
Why ‘The Children’ Won’t Be There for the Holidays… – PJ Media

The struggle is real. Some people in the universe needed a binky, stuffed bunny, and a blanky after Donald Trump won the presidency again. With a great amount of trepidation, those fragile beings are now making plans for Thanksgiving. 

The question: do these frail children stay in their bubble or come out and see, nay — perhaps touch — Donald Trump supporters in their family? 

These emotionally fragile people have been vomiting up their stories on social media, hoping for affirmation or some words of hope, and screaming at anyone else who disagrees. If these fragile children don’t come, Thanksgiving and Christmas tables will be quieter for it, but what about these emotionally wrecked people? As I report nearby, I wasn’t crazy about Barack Obama, a commie, becoming president of a non-communist nation. But instead of crying, I got busy trying to defeat him in the next election. 

Not so for the fragile generation. 

In a “childless” sub-Reddit entitled, “How many of you canceled Thanksgiving because of how your relatives voted,” the responses were nothing less than sad. 

I’ve decided to go to thanksgiving, but if anyone brings up politics I’m out. I’m seriously considering telling my mom I can’t go to thanksgiving this year. I’m pretty sure all my family voted for trump. My dad is outspoken about his support for him. They voted against my rights and I’m having a hard time dealing with that. I don’t plan on cutting them off right now. I’m torn because, they’re my parents, and my grandmother. It may be her last thanksgiving. I don’t want to not see them, but I also don’t want to go to thanksgiving. I’ve already heard of several people canceling their plans.

While no one “voted against [her] rights,” which shows a lack of political knowledge, the second-guessing of removing herself because, “they’re my parents, and my grandmother. It may be her last thanksgiving,” showed decency and conscience. There’s hope for her yet. 

Related: What a Turkey. Remember When Barack Obama Tried to Ruin Thanksgiving?

You go, girl. 

Others were not so self-actualized. Responses were troubling. 

I walked out of a holiday dinner in 2019 over the way several people were discussing politics. So f***ing hateful. Haven’t been back to a single one and instead celebrate my holidays with people I share love with, not just a bloodline. It’s been… amazing. I am still in low contact with one of the Trump voters but it’s a text every now and again.

We stand in awe of your intolerance while calling for tolerance. 

One wonders what prompted this one to “walk out” during a “holiday dinner.” As I explain over here in my story about Barack Obama weaponizing Thanksgiving for his political gain, What a Turkey. Remember When Barack Obama Tried to Ruin Thanksgiving? discussing politics is usually a recipe for disaster unless you all agree. When the president asks you to ruin a meal over it, especially a commie, that’s going to cause problems.

This one is planning to walk out:

I made it very clear starting in 2016 that if my family wants me at an event, they will speak to me with respect. Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2016 and 2017, I walked out. They figured out that my boundaries are non-negotiable after that… but I have a feeling 2024 might be another walk out year.

I think asking people to “speak to me with respect” is fine, but I’d like the planned walk-out artist to explain what is meant by “respect.” Is it a requirement to speak in pronouns? Is it a requirement to subordinate your beliefs to theirs as a sign of respect? Maybe we’ll get an update later.

This was the most bizarre response to the topic. In addition to making me cough up my coffee, it made me a little sad, too. 

I went no contact today with my parents after I told them I’m getting a vasectomy because I don’t trust this new administration. I’m 40 and my wife is right behind me, no kids, why the f**k would I want one now? We’ll do our own holiday.

This guy is married. How is a baby of 40 married to a grown-up woman?

This one killed me.

Post: I cancelled my plans for Friendsgiving since so many in the group voted for Trump. 

Reply: Those are, umm… not friends. Friends don’t vote for a racist rapist.

Give the Democrats their due, the lawfare information operation seems to have worked with this one. 

Related: That Is NOT How You Stuff a Turkey

This guy never went to church or learned about morals. I’ll bet he says he votes his conscience but doesn’t have one.

My uncle is nearly on his death bed and wanted to talk to me. He voted for Trump. I told my mom to tell him he’s already dead to me. Cut out all the cancer from your life. Be free.

I’ll bet that horrible human being above would gladly take an inheritance from that uncle, who’s “already dead to me.” 

And here it is. They’d rather disrupt the family over their hurt feelings because they didn’t get their way.

This is why it’s easier to just live in a completely different state. “Oh no! I can’t make it. Maybe in 4-5 years!”

And here’s one more thing not to do:

Right after trump won, my brother sent a group text to the family, teasing my sister. She hated trump and voted for who she thought would be better for her kids’ futures. A couple of them have health conditions and she is really worried about what will happen to healthcare. Like, she’s worried about her kids and her family and he’s laughing at her with the whole family in the chain. 

Most of my family voted for trump too, so they didn’t say s**t about him doing that. 

My mother has me as the person mainly in charge of things if she dies before me. I’m honestly going to tell her I want nothing to do with that anymore. Put my brother in charge. I’ll go to Thanksgiving. If he pulls that s**t, I won’t speak to him or his family again. Making fun of my sister like it’s f***ing sports when she’s worried about her kids – and nobody else that supposedly loves her spoke up.

A reminder to these children: Your family put up with your disrespect, wingdings, and wrongdoing, bailed you out of life’s scrapes, tried to teach you right from wrong, then watched you lie, cheat, and steal, and then corrected you and loved you through it all. They’ve seen you at your worst and still loved you brats. You probably did much worse than vote for someone your family didn’t like and you got no flak for it, you dimwitted hothouse flower. 

Grow up and show a little, what do you call it again? Oh, yes, respect.

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