
Why Haven’t We Heard From the President As Shutdown Nears? – HotAir

Well … we have, haven’t we? The President has perhaps gotten too involved in the fight over the CR, tossing in last-minute demands and insisting that Republicans not cave on Democrats’ hobby-horse agenda. One may not agree with the President’s leadership on this issue, but no one can deny that he’s engaged and fully briefed on the matter.

Oh, the media means the other President. The one who’s barely been seen in the last few weeks. That makes this a good question — why hasn’t Barack Obama spoken to the American public? 

[handed papers from home office]

THIS JUST IN … reporters are asking about Joe Biden. Well, who would have thought that? Certainly not Karine Jean-Pierre, who never does answer the question:

I mean, she never does answer the question:

No really, she NEVER DOES answer the question:

REPORTER: We hear that message from you, but why aren’t we hearing that directly from the president? Why haven’t we seen or heard from President Biden himself?

Jean-Pierre: This is a strategy that we have done many times before. Not the first time. And this is for Republicans in Congress, in the House specifically to fix. They created this mess. There was a bipartisan agreement. There was there was a bipartisan agreement…And so what we want to do and what the president wants to make sure we do is he is stands to ready to help get a bipartisan deal through. That’s what he wants to see.

And, you know, this is something that Republicans should own here. What they tried to jam at the 11th hour doesn’t reflect. And what the deal what that bipartisan deal that they came up with, obviously with Democrats and, you know, Republicans are showing a disregard for the American public.

Jean-Pierre can try deflecting this question all day long — and that’s what she did, too — but that just makes the question even more acute. Trump may become president one month from today, but Joe Biden is the president now, and this is his budget cycle. Why wouldn’t he get at least as involved in the talks as the President-Elect? That’s especially true if KJP’s gripe is accurate. Why wouldn’t Biden counter alleged GOP intransigence by lending his weight to the debate?

There are two answers to that question, neither of which reflect well on the White House. Either Democrats have decided that Biden’s unpopularity would make matters worse, or they have decided that his cognitive impairment would make matters worse. Those two options are not mutually exclusive, either.

But that doesn’t mean the White House isn’t injecting itself into the negotiations. Here’s Jean-Pierre herself suggesting that the administration might just decide that a shutdown will impact security arrangements for January 20. Nice inauguration ya got there …. shame if something happened to it …

Gee … I think that’s something we should hear from the President rather than one of the PR flacks. So when will Dr. Jill hold a press conference?

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