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This Will Make Democrats Act Even More Unhinged…

Authored by Steve Watson via,

A CBS News poll finds that the vast majority of Americans related to President Trump’s Congressional address and viewed it very favourably from multiple angles.

As we earlier highlighted, Democrats thoroughly embarrassed themselves during Trump’s address, screeching and holding up puerile slogans on paddles.

They sat with faces like a smacked arse refusing to applaud or force smiles even for a kid with brain cancer.

Even king leftist clown Stephen Colbert admitted they came across as pathetic.

But it gets even worse for them.

CBS News reports “This CBS News/YouGov survey interviewed a nationally representative sample of speech watchers immediately following the president’s address to Congress. Most speech viewers described the president as ‘presidential,’ ‘inspiring’ and more ‘unifying’ than ‘divisive.’ A big majority also called it ‘entertaining.’”

The survey found the following…

– 77% support Trump’s plan to cut government waste and spending.

– 77% back his immigration and border policies.

– 76% approve of Trump’s speech.

– 76% approve of removing congressmen who interrupted his speech.

– 74% say his speech was presidential.

– 73% support his stance on Russia and Ukraine.

– 68% say it made them feel hopeful and proud.

– 68% say he has a clear plan to tackle inflation.

– 68% say he accurately described America’s crime crisis.

– 63% say he focused on issues they care about.

Now can we please have one more poll…

Who are they?

This is who they are…

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