
They Seem to Have Finally Finished Counting Votes, and Yes, It’s Fishy – PJ Media

It is not entirely easy to tell. There was no big announcement that the seemingly interminable vote counting was finally finished. The sites that provide vote totals, however, have carried the same totals for about a week, when previously they were updating many times a day. And so it may be safe to say that the presidential election of 2024 is finally over. It ends with over three million fewer votes cast in 2024 than there were in 2020. Is that fishy? With so many allegations of chicanery swirling around the 2020 election, the answer is obvious.

Still, there may be a perfectly innocuous explanation. The U.S. Census Bureau states that 66.8% of eligible voters cast ballots in 2020, the highest total since 1992. In 2016, by contrast, the turnout percentage was 61.4, and in 2012 it was 61.8. In 2024, there were 155,477,242 votes cast for president, as opposed to 158,614,475 in 2020. Those who insisted that once all the votes were counted, there would be no significant difference in the vote totals of 2020 and 2024 have been shown up in a big way.

Still, this is no time for hasty conclusions. Are the missing 3,137,233 voters dead people, phantoms, and frauds who installed Old Joe Biden in the Oval Office? Maybe. But there may also be a completely innocuous explanation for the difference.

In 2020, Old Joe supposedly got 81,286,454 votes, while in 2024, Kamala Harris received only 75,015,807. It’s entirely possible that after four years of the Biden-Harris regime, millions of people who voted for Biden decided not to make the same mistake again, and instead of voting for Harris, simply stayed home. If the Census Bureau is correct and turnout was at a record high in 2020, it is likely to have been somewhat lower in 2024. 

Also, if 2020 was indeed stolen, it didn’t take three million fake votes to steal it. Old Joe won Georgia by 12,000 votes, Wisconsin by 20,000, and Michigan by 150,000. That means that if fewer than 200,000 voters had voted for Trump rather than Biden, Trump would have been reelected then instead of having to wait until this year. Still, if there was fraud, the fraudsters had no way of knowing how many fake votes they were going to need, and they may have gilded the lily. 

There are oddities about 2024 as well. On Nov. 8, Trump had 74,225,926 popular votes, and Harris had 68,800,347. Since then, 6,215,460 of the votes counted late have gone for Harris, and only 3,076,238 for Trump. That’s a resounding 66.9% of the late-counted vote going for Harris, and even though these are mostly from California and other deep-blue states, the percentage is striking. Harris won California itself with a comparably low 58.45%. And why did the late-counted votes flip several House seats from the Republican to the Democrat column but caused none to flip the other way? 

Maybe the massive percentage for Harris is because more people who use mail-in ballots tend to vote for Democrats. It is, however, precisely because of the ease with which mail-in balloting can be manipulated that many patriots are suspicious of it. This is just part of the American electoral system that needs a massive overhaul in order to ensure that we continue to have free and fair elections. Just because the results were generally good this time doesn’t mean that the system isn’t broken in a big way. It is crucial for Americans to address this issue.

    Related: They’re STILL Counting Votes, but Four Million Are Still Missing

Election fraud is not a new problem in the United States. Old Joe Biden and his henchmen didn’t invent it in 2020. Back in 1948, the cinematic classic “Key Largo” featured the villainous mob boss Johnny Rocco (played by the great Edward G. Robinson) boasting about how he manipulated elections: “Yeah, how many of those guys in office owe everything to me? I made them. Yeah, I made them just like a… Like a tailor makes a suit of clothes. I’d take a nobody, see, teach him what to say, get his name in the papers. Then I’d pay for his campaign expenses. Dish out a lot of groceries and coal. Get my boys to bring the voters out. And then count the votes over and over again ’til they added up right, and he was elected.”

This wasn’t just a Hollywood conceit. Long before “Key Largo,” the Tammany Hall Democrat Party machine in New York was notorious for manipulating elections. In 1871, a renowned political cartoonist of the day, Thomas Nast, drew Tammany chief Boss Tweed standing next to a ballot box labeled “In Counting There is Strength,” and saying: “As long as I count the Votes, what are you going to do about it?”

What indeed? And who is counting the votes now, and for what purpose? What are we going to do about it? The 2020 and 2024 presidential elections both may be as honest as the day is long, but there are enough questions to warrant serious investigations. Those investigations may be dead on arrival, however, if one side has a vested interest in maintaining the broken system we have today because it keeps getting them elected. That couldn’t possibly be so, now, could it?

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