
The Syria Sednaya Prison – PJ Media

I seem to be writing a series on our interesting times, starting with the implications of the fall of Bashar al-Assad and followed by talking about the discovery of the Assad Ba’ath regime’s archives.

I wish I could be smug about my predictions coming true, but honestly, fascists are too predictable. They always seem to have a secret service to keep the populace under control, and they always seem to become more and more abusive as their efforts to make the populace just behave fail, as the populace doesn’t want to behave.

Honestly, fascism would be so much simpler if it weren’t for all the people.

So now that al-Assad has ridden off into the Russian sunset, we are starting to discover some of the details, that honestly — well, as I said, I wish I could be smug about it, but I can’t.

A lot of stuff is coming out now.

First of all is the opening of Sednaya, al-Assad’s concentration camp. 

I assumed what we’d find out would be bad, but I didn’t really know how bad. It really is comparable to Auschwitz and Dachau. Many thousands were killed by their captors. Was there some sort of prize for making yourself a 21st-century Hitler?

Some of the graffiti is heart-wrenching.

 Some of the survivors are shattered.

Auschwitz on the left, Sednaya on the right.

More than 100,000 were killed during al-Assad’s regime.

Not that some of the rebel forces seem to be any better.

While “May you live in interesting times” isn’t really a Chinese curse, it’s a curse nonetheless. Maybe I’ve grown cynical in my old age, but this is what real fascists are like. What were we facing in the alternate timeline in which Kamala won?

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