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The Grand Ol’ Gimmick Party

On the subject of cooking up some new budget gimmicks to hide the actual costs of current Republican fiscal incontinence, Sen. Ron Johnson said: “We need to avoid a massive, automatic tax increase,” as the tax cuts in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expire. A question for the senator: If it is important to avoid massive automatic tax increases, then why on Earth did you [long baroque string of expletives deleted] idiots write a massive automatic tax increase into the 2017 tax-cut bill? You remember that bill, Sen. Johnson: You voted for it. You lobbied to make it more expensive by changing pass-through rules in a way that benefited you personally and put a little extra change in the pockets of a couple of big donors, too, though I assume you’d have pushed for those changes in any case on the grounds that tax cuts are the Republicans’ version of Democrats’ spending giveaways. 

And Republicans pulled some different budget shenanigans back then, apparently without thinking very hard about how they’d box them in now. 

Okay, readers, a little bit of budgetary esoterica. Don’t worry—it isn’t very complicated. 

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