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The Fake False Dilemmas of Early Parenting – Emily Oster

There is an Instagram reel about day care that I think about all the time. It’s a clip from a podcast in which psychoanalyst Erica Komisar says: “When you drop your baby at day care, they think you died.” When this first came out, hundreds of parents shared it with me, usually accompanied by a panic emoji. Their main question: Am I ruining my kids by sending them to day care? Did I already ruin them?

There is a lot to say about this particular claim, but it’s also emblematic of a lot of the messaging parents hear about their decisions involving their children. Much of that messaging, like this particular clip, is designed to remove parental choice—to say, effectively, that it may look like there are multiple child-rearing options, but one of them is so horrible that only someone who doesn’t care at all about their child would make that choice. Go ahead and send your child to day care, just do so knowing that it’s likely to lead them to a terrible life. The message takes a potential array of choices about how to care for a young child and instead presents the issue as a false choice.

This issue is not limited to child care; there are other hot-button parenting issues like breastfeeding, sleep training, toilet training. In social media, on Reddit threads, in online moms’ discussion groups, these are all presented as opportunities to make terrible choices that could ruin your child’s future. We even see this messaging in what seem like very milquetoast things like how to start your infant on solid foods. There is a debate about whether to feed them pureed foods first, or use a method called “baby-led weaning” where children start with finger foods. Someone told me once that if you start a child on purees, they will never learn to chew—a ridiculous claim, but also one that’s nervewracking if you’re a young parent trying to do the right thing. Who doesn’t want their child to be able to chew? 

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