
The Common Denominator – PJ Media

About ten years ago I was on the South Pacific island of Roi-Namur, a puddle-jumper flight away from Kwajalein, located in the Marshall Islands. I was with a handful of comedians doing a tour of military bases.

FACT-O-RAMA! This tour was the first time I met my wonderful friend Stephen Kruiser

I might as well get this one out of the way…

FACT-O-RAMA! One of my favorite jokes is when my fiancee Jessica and I are watching TV, listening to the radio, etc., and a reporter will say something like, “A naked clown was arrested today running through the Mall of America,” and I will snottily say, “I performed there.” The more obscure the location, the funnier the joke is to me.

Roi-Namur is a small island we took from the Japanese in WWII. Today, it’s home to a sophisticated radar operation. You may recall how a rogue wave hit the island last January and washed through the island’s recreation hall.

I performed there. BAM!

My dream has always been to find a WWII relic. Kwajalein has been upgraded and relics were few, but Roi-Namur is different. There are relics everywhere. Much of the jungle on Namur hasn’t been touched since WWII. Unexploded ordinance (UXO) is everywhere; we were told where we could and couldn’t safely walk.

An hour after I landed on Roi-Namur, I began feverishly looking for relics from our battle with the Japanese. I brought a medical detector but our wrangler, Tony, assured me I wouldn’t need one. The relics were plentiful and easily seen, Besides, digging with a shovel might result in my hitting a mortar round and becoming the latest casualty of WWII.

Tony took me to the beach where our forces landed, and he immediately began finding relics. My lifelong goal was at hand but, as Tony’s hand filled with shells, fired bullets, and unfired rounds, I couldn’t see anything.

“You can’t see them until you see them, then you won’t stop seeing them,” Tony told me. “Slow down, and really look.”

I took Tony’s advice and in minutes I had a pile of relics, including bullets, shrapnel, and a pick axe head. My dream had come true.

FACT-O-RAMA! Taking even one fired shell is a crime on Roi-Namur, resulting in a large fine and possible jail time. Also, our next stop was Singapore, where possessing a bullet can lead to a severe “caning.” I left my treasures in the island’s small museum.

What’s my point? Marxism, like WWII relics, is hard to see until you focus. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

The best way to see the Marxism that is hiding in plain sight is to peruse the 45 Goals of Communism as entered into Congress in 1963 and to listen to EVERY WORD Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov has ever said.

Here are some examples of the Marxism creeping its way through America and how you can identify that commie, pinko nonsense when it rears its reptilian head:

Have you wondered why the left pressured liberal moms to bring their infants and watch grown men in dresses shake their shaved bahookies?

Communist goal #26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

Why are schools teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT)?

Communist goal #17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

Why have leftists targeted Christianity instead of Islam, which is responsible for most of the world’s terror attacks?

Communist goal #27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”

Communist goal #28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

Why are Democrats fighting to keep pornography in school libraries?

Communist goal #25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

Why have there been so many riots on college campuses since the 1960s?

Communist goal #19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

You get my point. Now let’s talk about Bezmenov.

Yuri warned us that the Marxists have a four-part plan to topple the U.S. government from within and establish Marxism. These four parts are demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization, or what Bezmenov explains as communism becoming the new normal.

This video is the most important 6:50 minutes you’ll ever spend:

Most of it is Americans doing it to Americans, thanks to lack of moral standards. Your leftists in United States, all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion, only to destabilize the nation. —Yuri Bezmenov

In a longer video, which I highly suggest you watch, Bezmenov speaks of how all the civil rights movements have been hijacked, if not created by, Marxists.

That is why PETA said nothing when the globalists told us we had to kill millions of cows to save the planet from the dooming forces of cow flatulence. It tells us why anarchy-loving thugs burned our big blue toilet towns when a white cop supposedly killed a life-long thug named George Floyd but stood down after five black cops beat Tyre Nichols, a black man, to death for no reason.

FACT-O-RAMA!  There are thousands of murals, statutes, and pieces of “street art” dedicated to George Floyd. I was able to locate only one mural of Tyre Nichols. The lefty BS site Wikipedia couldn’t say that five black cops murdered Nichols; instead, they wrote that he was “fatally injured.” George Floyd, however, they claim was murdered by a white police officer  The documentary The Fall of Minneapolis, claims Floyd died from an overdose of fentanyl.

The Marxist take-over of all civil rights groups explains why the women’s rights organizations said nothing as mentally ill men in dresses began pummeling female athletes in every sport, but why did they stay quiet like good little girls as Hamas committed vile crimes against Israeli women? Surely, this should have brought out feminists worldwide. They stayed home because Muslims are a part of the New World Order Marxism sweeping the world.

Two years after the trans crew hijacked the gay movement, I saw a crack in the wall of the LGBTCCP crew. Three lesbians were booted from Chicago’s 2017 Dyke March for waving rainbow flags emblazoned with the Star of David. 

The lesbians I knew marched in lockstep. Why kick out the chosen todger dodgers? If anything, many sapphists aren’t down with the whole “LGB” thing. Some of the lesbians I knew generally existed without very many men, gay or otherwise, in their social circles. And as far as those “Bs” go…

FACT-O-RAMA! Behind every hot, bisexual chick is a long line of broken-hearted lesbians who “just don’t understand WHY” bi chicks always go back to men.

Kicking Jewish lesbians out of the parade set off a bell, and I didn’t know what it was at the time. Now I see it; Marxist Muslims took over that community too.

FACT-O-RAMA! Muslims routinely murder members of the LGBTCCP crowd, yet Team Gay falls over themselves to pledge unity with Islam.

Two of the three founders of BLM openly admit to being trained Marxists. BLM’s goal is to allegedly help black people (which I have pointed out they have done more harm than good), yet their leaders were eager to support Hamas’ October 7 atrocities. This is yet another example of Marxist Muslims running yet another social justice crew.

Despite hundreds of Islamic worldwide terror attacks, the Irish hoisted the Hamas flag over their capital in 2017. In 2023, after 30 terror attacks in six years just in Ireland, they voted to not raise it again. At least they learned but 30 terror attacks is a steep price.

Two of my least favorite reptilian Americans, Obama and Biden, have sent billions of dollars to Iran, despite the Islamic nation publically calling for the death of America. Now why would the last two Democrat presidents do such a thing? Because they’re in on it, and “it” is global, New World Order, Marxist domination, and that includes Islam.

Have you ever wondered why the “religion of pieces,” which is routinely responsible for roughly *88% of worldwide terror attacks gets to blow people up with seeming impunity, while those who complain about the carnage are labeled “bigots?” 

Hey, this story just broke:

Related: Saudi Suspect Plows Car Into German Christmas Market, Killing 2, Injuring Up to 80

Some clever devils believe this “woke” notion of ignoring the Muslim rape pandemic in Europe and pretending that the top terror groups in 2024 aren’t *all Islamic groups is just the globalists’ attempt to scare Westerners into their own genocide. Shut up and take it, bigots.

FACT-O-RAMA! Mad bomb shouts to PJ Media’s own Robert Spencer for the fun-filled facts regarding the Muslim violence I posted in the last two paragraphs and highlighted with *.

If you want to see America’s future should the woke win, read Robert’s terrifying article below;

Related: A World-Historical Transformation Is Taking Place in Britain, Yet Few Have Noticed

What have we learned?

Marxism and Islam are enjoying a bromance that some oracles believe intends to eradicate Westerners.

The Marxists in cahoots with Islam have commandeered the nation’s civil rights groups and directed them to attack Jews.

Islam has no tolerance for the LGBTCCP crowd and frequently murders them, but the gay community, hijacked by Marxists and thus afraid of being called “Islamophobic,” ignores the carnage and continues to attack Christians, according to Communist goal #27.

Wow, that’s a lot of Islamic hatred. Let’s lighten things up.

The weekend is here, so let’s have some laughs. Check out the latest video from our friends at “Jokes and a Point.” While the pink-haired freakshows prepare to “celebrate” Christmas by reading The Communist Manifesto, We the People are going to have a ton of Christmas fun.

Check it out!

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