
The Bullet We Dodged – PJ Media

After dodging a bullet, Donald Trump was reelected president. In a larger sense, the entire nation dodged a bullet. The Democrats were soundly defeated, losing not only the presidency, but also the House and the Senate. Their sinister authoritarian, internationalist, socialist vision, with its wholehearted embrace of madness, deviance, and perversion, has been thoroughly rejected. And while it’s certainly a time for celebration, we aren’t out of the woods yet.  

The left hasn’t given up. In fact, aside from their wailing and hysteria over Trump’s victory, many of their leading figures have been eerily quiet, and that can mean only one thing: they’re up to something, and will soon begin a new onslaught against the forces of freedom. 

In many ways, that assault is already in full swing. Many, if not most, of our current problems as a nation revolve around the culture war, a war that is being fought on many battlefields and which has been waged during Republican and Democrat presidential administrations alike, as well as while both Republicans and Democrats have been in control of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The culture war will rage on no matter which party is in control of the various branches of government and will advance even in the face of attempts to stop it.

That war is largely over whether America will embrace rationalisty or insanity. Insanity cannot be reasoned with, but since fantasy and falsehood are being pushed on Americans so relentlessly, they must be answered point by point or they will gain traction. Some of the differences between leftists and American patriots stem from differing core assumptions: belief in God (to be sure, many leftists believe in a God or gods, but generally one made in their own image), and in an ordered universe versus belief in matter alone; moral absolutism versus moral relativism; and an ethos of respect for all people versus a valuation of people based on their alignment with one’s own principles. At a certain point, there can be no discussion, but only action to safeguard ourselves and our children from the sinister influences of those who would recruit them for a life that would ultimately lead them to physical and moral ruin. For that is all too often the progression of moral relativists who follow their principles.

Another reason why leftists will keep fighting is because they believe they will eventually and inevitably win. They believe this with all the fervor of Christians who long for the great day of the return of the Savior like a light shining from the east to the west. Leftists like to call themselves “progressives,” a name that has come to be favored because it gives their pet programs and policies an air of inevitability. History, they will tell us, is progressing in the direction they want, and those who oppose their agenda will find themselves “on the wrong side of history.” Leftists are patient and even complacent in the face of what they see as this historic inevitability, although that complacency never manifests itself as passivity. They didn’t get what they wanted in 2024, but they are sure they will get it in 2028, or sometime thereafter. They never give up on their program or agenda, no matter how often or thoroughly they are defeated.

     Related: Is the Stupid Party Finally Smartening Up?

And so in 2028 and thereafter, there will once again be spokesmen for socialist internationalism and the destruction of the freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. They will need to be defeated again. This calls for every American to become an activist. Imaginative, intelligent, courageous individuals have made a decisive difference at numerous points in American history. The nascent republic might not have survived without George Washington, a figure who was acceptable to all factions and respected by everyone, and who was able to navigate through numerous difficulties with consummate skill. If Abraham Lincoln had not been elected president in 1860, the Civil War might not have started at that point, the intractable problems the nation was facing at that point would have remained unresolved, and the entire history of slavery and race relations in this country would have been different. It is virtually impossible to imagine World War II in America without Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In the 1970s and 1980s, only one man, Ronald Reagan, saw that the Soviet Union was in imminent danger of demise and needed only a bit of pushing to meet its downfall. 

In our own day, there is Donald Trump.

The same thing can be said of innumerable key figures inside and outside of the government. Every individual has a huge effect on those around him or her. For better and for worse, America would be vastly different today if Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Robert Oppenheimer, Martin Luther King, or Elvis Presley had never lived. The power of the individual is so massive that not just 2024, but every election in the United States is now absolutely pivotal. The nation’s problems didn’t spring up overnight and won’t be solved overnight, but if the right people become active and remain vigilant, what seems to many (above all, to leftists themselves) to be the inevitable march of the left to total victory and absolute dominance can be stopped. And it must be stopped. The bullet will have to be dodged again, and again.

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