Texas administered 15,000 more measles vaccinations this year compared to 2024—and now there’s a growing measles outbreak that has surpassed the total number of cases reported across the entire United States last year.
The news follows this website’s February report that measles cases in Gaines County, Texas, had jumped 242% following a health district campaign to hand out free measles vaccines.
A measles outbreak after higher vaccination rates in Texas calls into question the shot’s claimed effectiveness and underlying design.
Timeline & Numbers
Between January 1 and March 16 last year, 158,000 measles vaccines were administered in the state, according to CBS News.
During the same time this year, 173,000 measles doses were given.
There are now more measles cases in Texas than there were across the United States in all of 2024.
On Friday, the Texas Department of State Health Services reported 309 cases have been identified in the state since late January.
That’s compared to only 285 cases nationwide last year, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data.
What’s worse, measles cases in West Texas are “still on the rise” and “local public health officials say they expect the virus to keep spreading for at least several more months and that the official case number is likely an undercount,” according to CBS.
The numbers don’t lie—Texas is witnessing a record-breaking measles outbreak in the wake of increased vaccination efforts.
Measles Vaccine Virus Is Product of Gain-of-Function & Can Shed Onto Unvaccinated
U.S. military biodefense experts confirm in a May 2016 publication in The Journal of Infectious Diseases that the live virus inside the measles (MMR) vaccine is engineered using “a technique that could be considered, by current definitions, GOF research.”
GOF (gain-of-function) experiments can cause viruses to become more infectious.
The wild-type measles virus (Montefiore 89 strain) purportedly found in nature mostly uses a receptor called CD150 to gain entry to and infect immune cells.
However, the vaccine strain (Edmonston strain) is manipulated in the laboratory to acquire the ability to bind another receptor called CD46, which is more abundant in the body and expressed on most human nucleated cells.
This means the measles virus injected into the MMR-vaccinated has the potential to enter many more cells compared to the wild-type virus, due to its acquired ability to use an additional cellular receptor.
The vaccine virus also sheds.
An August 2024 study in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Virology confirms the measles vaccine virus sheds in recently vaccinated children for 29 days, meaning the vaccinated can spread the virus to the unvaccinated for about a month.
A 1995 CDC study found that 83% of vaccinated children had measles virus shed in their urine.
With a genetically modified vaccine virus capable of shedding for nearly a month and entering a broader range of human cells than the wild-type strain, the question becomes harder to ignore: Is the vaccine itself playing a role in the surge?
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