
Such Schweet Kids on College Campuses These Days – HotAir

What is it lately with these kids attending Virginia colleges that have “George” somewhere in the name?

Some malevolent mutant form of revolutionary virus must be on the door handles or backstroking through the water because these kiddies, for all that the formerly revered institutions they attend are pricey, seem to be coming out as emotionally stunted, murderously inclined psychopaths.

 For the money, those schools used to pump out productive citizens and members who contributed positively to society. 

Now, those universities named for august figures in American history are becoming better known more for *checks notes* wanna-be jihadis than journalists and criminals more than the pursuit of a criminal justice degree.

George Washington University has had a helluva spring, with students holding a trial that ‘sentenced administrators to death,’ declaring a ‘liberated zone‘ free of fellow Jewish students, and has had to have police ‘clear’ pro-Palestinian protests resulting in its own set of controversies re: they were mean.

The university also preemptively suspended or put other pro-Palestinian student groups on probation (no word if any were double-double secret probation) at the end of August in anticipation of a revival of the anti-Semitic festivities when the school year started back up.

George Washington University has suspended its chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace just days before the start of the new semester.

The private university in Washington, D.C. also suspended Students for Justice in Palestine and put six other pro-Palestinian student groups on probation, in a preemptive move that signals the school expects campus protests against the Israel-Hamas war to resume as students return to campus in the coming days.

The groups were temporarily suspended last fall after pro-Palestinian students projected inflammatory messages on campus buildings, including “Glory to our martyrs” and “Free Palestine From The River To The Sea,” weeks after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. The school’s chapter of JVP, the anti-Zionist Jewish group, supported that protest and said on social media that it stood behind every message.

The new suspension means that the groups will not receive official university recognition, funding or any other forms of institutional support this semester. In the spring, they will go on probation and will have to seek permission to hold any on-campus events.

They’re such nice kids

Georgetown University has its own happy little group of Hamas-loving miscreants, and, with the new school year, they went straight back to hating Israel. No doubt they were inspired by the delightful characters they employ on campus known as ‘professors.’

Here’s one of those intellectual heavy-weight haters calling FL Congressman Byron Donalds an ‘Uncle Tom’ earlier this year.

Intellectual and original! Damn, if that $68K a year tuition money isn’t well spent paying his salary, huh?

What a bang for your buck.

Most of the organizational work for all the Geroges’ campus fuss and bother has been led by the fervent believers who belong to what should be classified as a domestic terror group, only they call themselves ‘students,’ so it’s okay – Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

They are mouthy, and aggressive, slick as snot knowing how far to push buttons and what to get away with in order to maintain victim status, and they are EVERYWHERE.

SJP is in motion across the country at all times.

They have an admittedly slick website for budding terrorist sympathizers. One might also wonder how the keffiyehs, Palestinian flags, promotional handouts, and signs magically appear at whatever campus or street protest ‘spontaneously’ erupts if they’re mere ‘students’ protesting, as they claim.

Well, the ‘students’ have some pretty big buck, bad actor backers.

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) today released comprehensive research shedding light on the insidious activities of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and its umbrella organization, the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), on university campuses across North America. The report reveals “over $3 million a year” of funding for the NSJP linked to organizations accused of funding organization Hamas.

Entitled “National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP): Antisemitism, Anti-Americanism, Violent Extremism and the Threat to American Universities”, ISGAP’s report delves deep into the roots of antisemitism within SJP, its connections to violence and terrorist groups, and its alarming rise in influence since the Hamas terror attack in Israel on October 7, 2023. The report sheds light on a disturbing pattern of radicalization and intimidation targeting Jewish and pro-Israel students and faculty following October 7.

The report specifically highlights non-profit organizations supporting SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) that have been linked to Hamas, including WESPAC, Tides, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Americans for Justice in Palestine (AJP), and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). According to the report, SJP has strong financial ties with WESPAC, which serves as a financial sponsor by channelling tax-free donations through its accounts to SJP chapters. The report additionally reveals that SJP receives significant organizational support from American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), a non-profit currently under investigation by the Virginia attorney general. AMP has been accused of being a successor to a charity held accountable for funding Hamas. AMP has also admitted to funding Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP).

With Iranian support bankrolling all of that.

All with SJP coyly blinking like Cheshire cats behind their masks and keffiyeh-wrapped faces while lecturing Americans that free speech permits their aggressive physical intimidation, with the accompanying death threats towards not just Jews but anyone who supports the state of Israel.

I haven’t forgotten about that other ‘George’ named school in Virginia – George Mason University – named for one of our country’s Founding Fathers. A Virginia planter whose input at the Constitutional Convention influenced ‘many of the clauses’ in the final product, Mason became one of only three delegates not to sign the Constitution because it had no ‘Bill of Rights.’

SJP has a really strong chapter at George Mason. Go figure.

In August, a happy little group of SJP-led Hamasholes celebrated back to school by vandalizing GMU’s student center, spray painting warnings of a ‘student intifada’ among other chirpy sentiments, and causing thousands of dollars worth of damage as well. They also did their patented ‘raise a banner’ trick condemning the ‘genocidal war profiteers’ who were due at a career fair the next day attended by quite a few military contractors. All of it was documented on Instagram.

…On Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 6:58 a.m., Mason Police Department reported a case of property damage at the Johnson Center. According to the daily crime and fire log, Mason filed a complaint reporting, “intentional vandalism to State property.” The time of the incident is unknown and the status is still pending as of Sept. 25. 

An anonymous submission was posted on the Instagram page gmuintifada displaying photos and videos of the incident. Gmuintifada wrote in the caption, “autonomous actors at George Mason university do NOT welcome the genocide profiteering defense companies attending the GMU career fair.” 

…Mason’s annual fall career fair was scheduled to be held at the Johnson Center from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This two-day event hosts various companies on Mason’s campus to assist in new hire recruitments.

In an anonymous photo submission posted by gmuintifada, a banner draped over the balcony of the Johnson Center listed “Lockheed, Gen. Dynamics [and] Leonardo.” Gmuinfitada wrote in the caption, “students in the Johnson Center have raised a banner condemning the genocidal war profiteers present in the GMU career fair.


According to the Washington Free Beacon, what their photo essay did was give Fairfax police the sneaking suspicion they’d seen this act before and who might be responsible. Cops got their ducks in a row, asked for a search warrant, and, when they got it, they went in to see what they could find.


…Those activists caused thousands of dollars in damage, a felony in the state of Virginia, and police suspect the SJP leaders, sisters Jena and Noor Chanaa, led the group of vandals. Weeks after the incident, in November, a county judge granted a warrant—which is under seal until February, according to a Fairfax County court representative—allowing police to seize electronics from the Chanaa family home.

When officers entered the Chanaa family home, they found firearms—modern weapons, not antiques—as well as scores of ammunition and foreign passports, all of which sat in plain view, according to court documents obtained by the Free Beacon and sources familiar with the investigation.

They also found pro-terror materials, including Hamas and Hezbollah flags and signs that read “death to America” and “death to Jews,” according to court documents and sources familiar.

Predictably, CAIR and terrorist coddlers in the press went to work screaming religious bigotry and racism at the raid (with no mention of the felony vandalism that provoked it) and the subsequent ban placed on the two sisters by the campus police department.

The Free Beacon story was written on the 9th of December – eleven days ago. At that time, howls of outrage continued over GMU’s ‘interim suspension’ of SJP and other pro-Palestinian groups on campus.

So unfair and unwarranted.

…CAIR has called on George Mason to rescind those disciplinary measures.

University leaders see the case differently, with George Mason president Gregory Washington calling the school’s actions “justified based on the information available” in a Nov. 20 faculty senate meeting. So do state and local law enforcement officials.

“For us at the state and local level, you know, we’re concerned,” one official told the Free Beacon, noting CAIR’s ties to illicit fundraising efforts for Hamas as well as recent revelations that Iran has bankrolled anti-Israel campus protests in the United States.

“It clearly shows the connection between potential radicalization and some of these student groups that are out there,” the official added. “It needs to be investigated if these are just sympathies, or is there a road to radicalization?”

Oooo. Kinda prescient there. Almost ‘nose for trouble’ good.

Cuz yesterday?

Oh, yeah. Things are just peachy…well. Actually, looking more watermelon red.

…This is the same university that was in the news a few weeks ago for their female international students and the collection of literature in their home wishing harm on Americans and Jews — a home full of weapons and ammo. 

George Mason’s international students are a threat to this nation.

I’m not here to argue.

Innocent Lutheran minding his own business going to class was gonna do what?

An 18-year-old freshman at George Mason University in Virginia was arrested Tuesday for allegedly plotting a mass casualty attack on Israel’s General Consulate in New York City, which he described as “a goldmine of targets,” according to a report.

Abdullah Ezzeldin Taha Mohamed Hassan, an Egyptian national, was charged with one count of demonstrating how to manufacture an explosive with intent to murder internationally protected persons after allegedly instructing an undercover FBI agent in November to target the consulate with explosives, the Washington Post reported Thursday.

“Two options: lay havoc on them with an assault rifle or detonate a TATP [suicide] vest in the midst of them,” Hassan allegedly told the agent posing as a terrorist sympathizer on Nov. 27, prosecutors alleged in court documents obtained by the outlet.

Hassan, who had been facing deportation proceedings, was arrested by the FBI in Falls Church and subsequently banned from campus, according to the report.

The first-year college student has an extensive digital paper trail with social media accounts praising the Islamic State and Osama bin Laden and spreading terrorist and antisemitic propaganda, the FBI charging documents state.

I am SORRY, PEOPLE, but you’re not a citizen, and the FBI gets you dead to rights ‘rambling’ about Osama Bin Laden and ISIS?


What in the Sam hell?

And talk about the obvious. Get them gone.

And not just out of Virginia, although moving quickly there might be a really good idea, all things considered.

I’d be looking real close if my kid was in any of these schools.

Blows my mind this Schlita has gone this far.

How many days we have left…?

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