
RFK Jr. Wants to MAHA; San Francisco Pushes Fat Acceptance as Public Health – HotAir

I keep hammering on the fact that Progressivism is about nothing more than destroying the foundations of Western Civilization by upending our basic understanding of reality. 

If you can get people to disbelieve the evidence of their eyes, ears, and the rational capacity to think clearly about what really is, you can get people to believe and do almost anything. 

Alphabet ideology, “Critical” studies, COVID hysteria, and “fat acceptance” all share an underlying root: breaking the bonds that keep reality and our perception of it tightly together. If you can get people to deny reality, you can then groom them to embrace ideas that are, on their face, absurd. 

Totalitarian ideologies all embrace this tactic. 

As most Americans are waking up from the nightmare of the past eight years (or more) of gaslighting by progressives, the “Critical” theorists are doubling down on their propaganda in hopes that they can still prevail through brainwashing kids in particular. That, I believe, is one of the main reasons why San Francisco’s PUBLIC HEALTH agency is partnering with a “Fat activist” to preach health at any size. 

How bats**t crazy are her ideas? She believes that she is anorexic. 

It is one thing to see activists like her on the fringe–there are always crazies with weird ideas, and fat activism is no weirder than Gwyneth Paltrow’s faith that shoving rocks into her vajayjay brings health. What makes this significant is that public health officials are partnering with her to promote this critical ideology to the masses. 

Fat activism is a very mainstream phenomenon on the cultural left and has been embraced widely in the Pravda media. Tess Holliday, a famous fat activist and model, simultaneously glorifies overindulgence in unhealthy foods and claims that she, too, struggles with anorexia.

If this were just her delusion, I would feel a great deal of empathy with her and wish her all the best in finding peace and better health. But she and all the fat activists are evangelists for a truly sick and destructive ideology that is literally killing people and fueling an obesity crisis that is behind much of the chronic disease in our country. 

I, by the way, am significantly overweight and personally sympathize with the struggles people have with weight. I’m not in their weight class by any means, but I need to lose at least 40 pounds and move more. I am not hostile to fat people–I am hostile to fat promotion because it is a lie that you can be “healthy at any size.” 

Which gets me back to my point: this has nothing to do with public health, embracing diversity, being compassionate to people struggling with weight or other problems, or any of the claptrap we are fed. Everybody I know and many I don’t cheer on people who struggle with weight when they are fighting to regain health. 

We shouldn’t despise people for being fat–we all have weaknesses and all deserve grace. But it is perfectly appropriate to despise people for recruiting others into unhealthy behavior and especially for those in the “healing professions” who are engaged in defrauding their charges by encouraging unhealthy behavior. 

It’s not about helping people–it’s about undermining our sense of reality and ultimately enslaving us in their totalitarian fantasy. Whether consciously or not, these people are all tools of those who are working to undermine our society by undermining our grasp of reality. 

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