
PETA Goes for the Gross When It Comes to Santa Claus – PJ Media

You’ve got to hand it to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). If anybody organization on the left refuses to be deathly serious all the time, it’s PETA. The problem with PETA’s humor is that it’s often gross, and the laughs it generates is more ridicule that a response to satire.

PETA has a habit of trying to ruin everybody’s holiday celebrations with grossness. The week of Thanksgiving, my friend esteemed colleague Stephen “Vodkapundit” Green brought you the story of a video on PETA’s Instagram feed that featured some Butterball employees, ummm, having their way with turkeys. The trouble was that the video was 20 years old, and the incident took place when Butterball was under different ownership.

PETA also hates Santa Claus and loves to accuse St. Nick of some bizarre, disgusting behavior. Here’s this year’s bizarre Christmas ad. It features Santa drinking milk straight out of the udder of a cow that’s by the Christmas tree.

This one begs loads of questions. Even if Santa likes fresh milk, doesn’t he realize that he can milk the cow and drink from the bucket? Did the family not leave him out something to drink, or did they leave a note saying, “Feel free to take a hit off the udders”?

Also, why does this family keep a cow in the house, right in the living room, next to the Christmas tree and the fireplace? There are a million things out of place in this ad, and it’s just weird.

Recommended: PETA Dances on the Grave of a Beloved Mascot

Take a look at PETA’s 2023 Christmas ad. It’s nasty, but it’s also too bizarre to gross you out.

Why is it a binary choice between cookies and (rein)venison? And vegan cookies? Besides probably being a lot more work, vegan cookies sound gross.

And why on earth would Santa eat the reindeer who pull his sleigh? It doesn’t make much sense either way.

Speaking of reindeer pulling the sleigh, PETA had this gem on X last year:

I do have to ask about the reindeer and the sleigh, though. Why hasn’t Santa had his elves make a rocket that would be quicker and more efficient? The reindeer would probably enjoy a cushy retirement.

It’s not just Santa who gets the PETA treatment this year. In this slightly NSFW X post, PETA flips the script on “eating a butt for Christmas.”

Bless their hearts. Don’t they know that a “Boston butt” is the shoulder of a pig? Oh wait, they probably don’t; if you don’t eat meat, you’re probably way behind on your terminology. Either way, it’s a disgusting ad, but it won’t get me to stop eating meat.

Vodkapundit included a couple of other nasty PETA Thanksgiving posts in his piece, and they all included images of turkeys eating naked humans. Somebody at PETA has some twisted imagination.

There’s another X post that I won’t show you that features a woman throwing up in her bathroom. The video suggests that if you don’t eat any animal products at Christmas, you won’t get sick. Oddly enough, I’ve never had to upchuck after Christmas dinner, and I would bet the vast majority of other normal people haven’t either.

These are the same people who have resorted to stupid stunts like putting roses on packages at grocery store meat counters, trying to urge a university to get rid of its beloved mascot who gets better treatment than most humans, and pushing for a memorial to chickens that died in a truck accident. So I guess we shouldn’t expect any less.

PETA’s gonna PETA this Christmas.

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