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Opinion in the Name of Science • Eagle Forum

What should be the medical age of consent? Should young teenagers be able to consent to medical procedures that will have lifetime repercussions? Should parents be notified and consent required for medical procedures for their children? Some doctors ask parents of 12-year-olds to leave the exam room.

A much-needed new executive order from President Trump defunds “gender transition” treatments on children and defines the child as anyone under 19 years of age. In other words, the cross-sex hormones and sterilization can only happen after puberty.

This EO, “Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation”, will have a profound effect on the social contagion of children who claim they were born in the “wrong” body. Without government money, doctors and hospitals will be less likely to pursue expensive surgeries. We must stop harming our children with permanent physical treatments for psychiatric problems. “Accordingly, it is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called “transition” of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures,” says the order.

Chloe Cole spoke at Eagle Council in 2023 about her horrific teenage journey through “gender reassignment” while she was in 8th grade when she was put on Lupron and suffered through menopause. Then she had a double mastectomy when she was 15 years old. Her childhood was destroyed and her future was harmed. She realized two years later that she had been lied to and manipulated by those who were supposed to care for her.

The taxpayer money has been the key for doctors and insurance companies that provide these treatments. Taxpayer-supported Planned Parenthood also provides puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children.

How did rational, intelligent, educated Americans fall for the “gender-affirming” ideology? Turns out, it was pushed by the Obama Administration under the cover of Obamacare, which prohibited insurance companies from discriminating on the basis of sex. According to Abigail Shrier, “In May 2016, six years after the bill’s enactment, the Obama administration’s Department of Health and Human Services added this fateful qualification: Discrimination on the basis of “sex” was to include discrimination on the basis of “gender identity.” If an insurer covers testosterone to treat a man who was deficient, then, according to gender ideology’s cracked logic, the insurer would also need to cover testosterone for a woman identifying as a man. If a procedure to remove a man’s unwanted breast tissue was covered, then a similar procedure for a woman identifying as a man must also be covered. Denying those claims could subject insurers to federal enforcement action.” 

The Obama mandate was followed — much to the detriment of thousands of children who were subjected to medicines that changed their bodies and led to permanent sterilization. The ideology was pushed by WPATH, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, which really should be called WARPATH since they declared war on biological sex. WPATH had no minimum age requirements for puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or sex-related surgeries.

Trump’s EO even calls for “ending reliance on junk science.” Turns out that a lot of what has been published as “science” has been fraudulent, made up, or altered to make the results fit the researcher’s hypothesis. The field of science has too much junk, not only in studies on gender dysphoria, but also in Alzheimer’s research, Covid medicines, and climate change. We must continue to question these authorities who spout opinion in the name of science.

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