
Naughty Liz Cheney Might Be Looking at Coal in Her Stocking – HotAir

Aw, you hate to see it – that perpetually prune-faced newly adopted hero of the Left. 

That daring defender of decency, democracy, and sacred dogged hunter down of insurrectiony types.

Yeah. Liz Cheney.

Literally – you hate to see her.

Even the name is enough to make your toes curl, which it did for voters in the former Wyoming representative’s district. As you all will remember, thanks to joining the January 6 congressional committee one-sided witchhunt with fellow scuzzball Adam ‘Would You Have a Kleenix’ Kinzinger, she was summarily booted out of Congress in a landslide of rejection – during a primary, no less.

You could hear WaPo weep as they called it ‘historic.”

Liz Cheney’s historic margin of defeat

Depending on how you slice it, it might be the biggest of the 21st century. And its nearest competitors have something in common.

Rep. Liz Cheney’s loss in Tuesday’s Wyoming primary was a staggering setback for what exists of the anti-Trump movement in the Republican Party. She was defeated by more than 2-1 by Trump-backed Harriet Hageman, short-circuiting a once-promising political career and serving notice that, however much or little direct control the former president exercises over the party, running afoul of him remains perilous.

Cast out into the political wilderness by her own treachery, the dour Cheney wandered, preaching the gospel of TDS, insurrectiony conspiracies, retribution, and looking for a home. Surely, there was somewhere and someone could once again love the dumpy, devious, double-dealing oracle of moral authority.

She was a perfect fit for Joe Biden’s Democratic Party and its flawed second-act nominee.


Feted and lionized for her putrid participation in the sham J-6 Committee tribunals, Cheney became a faux token of legitimacy for the scoundrels running the campaign against a reemergent and surging Donald Trump. 

It was about as effective as invaders waggling a blessed, ancient saint’s desiccated remains filched during a cathedral sacking at a Crusader army to say, “Sorry! St Gottreid’s with us!

The country was appalled they’d even think she mattered and blew through them to send Trump to the White House again anyway.

I haven’t checked back to see if Cheney is still as popular as she was on November 5. I have a feeling invitations and friendly phone calls are getting sparse.

While making sure Donald Trump got his shot at the White House for the second time, the American people also saw fit to entrust Republicans with both houses of Congress, so the triangle of power is complete.

For the past two years, the Republican-led House Administration Oversight Subcommittee investigating the actions of the January 6 committee has been slogging through a quicksand pit filled with obstruction, disappearing articles and evidence, outright mendacity, and stonewall efforts of mammoth proportions in every direction.

Despite having to pull teeth and threaten for every bit of information they have been able to glean – and remember, they have no enforcement capabilities, as every criminal referral runs through Merrick Garland’s Justice Department and Christopher Wray’s FBI – they have managed to issue a damning interim report of the skullduggery that was part and parcel of that committee’s disgraceful performance.

You’ll never guess who they’ve singled out as a particularly egregious, dare I say criminal, offender.

Well, knock me over with a feather. Here, I thought Cheney was as pure as the driven democracy snow.

The House Administration Oversight Subcommittee and its chairman Barry Loudermilk on Tuesday released an interim report on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, concluding the attack was preventable and also asking for an investigation into former Rep. Liz Cheney for criminally tampering with a witness during the Democrat-led congressional inquiry of the tragedy.

“Based on the evidence obtained by this Subcommittee, numerous federal laws were likely broken by Liz Cheney, the former Vice Chair of the January 6 Select Committee, and these violations should be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” the report released by the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee and its chairman Barry Loudermilk stated.

“Evidence uncovered by the Subcommittee revealed that former Congresswoman Liz Cheney tampered with at least one witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, by secretly communicating with Hutchinson without Hutchinson’s attorney’s knowledge.,” it added. “This secret communication with a witness is improper and likely violates 18 U.S.C. 1512. Such action is outside the due functioning of the legislative process and therefore not protected by the Speech and Debate clause.”

Turns out, old Liz thought she was a freedom of speech coach.  When you were in front of her committee, it seemed as if you were free to speak just like she told you to in all those texts, as Cassidy Hitchinson apparently did.

You remember her – she’s the aide who swore under oath that Trump lunged at his limo driver that day. That fairy tale would have been refuted by the limo driver – I’m sure it was an oversight on Cheney’s part – had he been allowed to testify to the J6 committee. 

But he wasn’t

Hutchinson is also in a little bit of a pickle for lying under oath about a note she said she wrote.

The subcommittee has gradually and doggedly chased and teased out all this information. I think they received most of the text messages in October to go through.


Her name sure starts to pop up.

…The report also took direct aim at former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, Cheney’s star witness at the nationally televised hearings, alleging that Cheney encouraged false testimony about a handwritten document and noting her sensational claim that former President Donald Trump tried to commandeer his presidential limousine that day to take it to the Capitol was directly refuted by the Secret Service.

Loudermilk’s report suggested Cheney also bore responsibility for Hutchinson’s testimony.

The View’s Alyssa Farrah also acted as a go-between for Cheney and Hutchinson when the girls couldn’t touch bases to coordinate things on their own.

Isn’t that nice? So helpful.

From Kyle Becker’s report, there are eight specific smears of President Trump the two colluded on:

…Here are eight key falsehoods that Liz Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson promoted in order to smear the former president

FINDING 1: President Trump did not attack his Secret Service detail at any time on January 6.  

FINDING 2: There was no pre-planned off-the-record move to the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6.  

FINDING 3: There is no evidence that President Trump agreed with rioters chanting “hang Mike Pence.”  

FINDING 4: Cassidy Hutchinson falsely claimed to have drafted a handwritten note for President Trump on January 6.  

FINDING 5: President Trump did not have intelligence indicating violence on the morning of January 6.  

FINDING 6: Cassidy Hutchinson lied about the classification status of documents to disparage Mark Meadows.  

FINDING 7: Representative Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson attempted to disbar Stefan Passantino.  

FINDING 8: Cassidy Hutchinson misrepresented President Trump’s actions at Lafayette Square Park in the summer of 2020. 

“As the Select Committee’s star witness, Hutchinson’s testimony formed the basis of the Select Committee’s false, but most enduring claims against President Trump,” the report states. 

Without Hutchinson’s altered testimony, it is unlikely the Select Committee could make its assertions about President Trump’s mood, attitude, and alleged culpability in the events of January 6,” the report continues….

As I said, it’s only an interim report, but it’s enough for Loudermilk to request a criminal investigation…the second Trump is inaugurated.

That pardon list is going to be interesting, no?

If I had one wish, Santa, it’s that POTATUS and his nursemaids forget they ever heard her name when doing that very last naughty and nice scribbling.

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