
John Bolton is So Upset About Kash Patel, He May Need Psychiatric Help – PJ Media

It’s a glorious time to be alive. 

With Trump’s pick of Kash Patel to be FBI director, the deeply threatened Beltway elites are howling more loudly than ever. No one more imitating a stuck pig more convincingly than John Bolton, the establishment Republican’s establishment Republican, who has decided that the Patel appointment is a good time to try out his sky-is-falling act. And who knows? He might end up being more successful with it than he was with his diplomatic career.

Fox News reported Sunday that Bolton, who has been enraged at Trump ever since he was fired from the first Trump administration for advocating that the U.S. get involved in more endless and unnecessary wars, sent a statement about the Patel appointment to Kristin Welker of NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Welker wrote on X: “Trump’s former National Security Advisor John Bolton tells @NBCNews: ‘Trump has nominated Kash Patel to be his Lavrenty Beria. Fortunately, the FBI is not the NKVD. The Senate should reject this nomination 100-0.’”

Kash Patel is Beria now? This was shocking despite that fact that reckless, overheated, hysterical, and defamatory rhetoric about Donald Trump has become commonplace. The Democrats have been relentlessly smearing Trump as an “insurrectionist” ever since their fake “insurrection” of Jan. 6, and before that, painted him without a shred of evidence as a foreign agent, a pawn of Vladimir Putin. All that was bad enough, but in his shot at Patel, Bolton went even farther. In the febrile mind of the failed National Security Adviser, Trump is not only a threat to “our democracy” and a catspaw of the Russians; he is nothing less than a new Stalin. 

Beria, you see, was the head of the NKVD, the Soviet secret police and one of the precursors to the KGB. Beria was the terrifying edge of Stalin’s regime as Uncle Joe consolidated his power, eliminated his Bolshevik rivals, and waged brutal war against his own people as he solidified the hold of the Soviet tyranny over the nations he controlled. Beria, always acting with Stalin’s approval, was responsible for the massacre of 22,000 Poles in the Katyn Forest in 1940.

That same year, Beria sent hundreds of thousands of Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, and Romanians to Siberia, or just directly to prison camps, for the crime of having the wrong ethnicity; Stalin wanted to fill his new territories with Russians. Beria was behind the purge of officers from the Red Army who were suspected of being insufficiently loyal to the Soviet state. He was also behind the institutionalized terrorizing of the people of the Soviet Union, who could no longer be sure, no matter how loyal they were and how hard they worked, that they could avoid the knock on the door at 4 a.m. and a trip to the Gulag. That was how Stalin kept his people in line and ensured that they would be eager to demonstrate their loyalty to the Workers’ Paradise.

Beria was a ruthless killer, a remorseless enforcer for a brutal and conscienceless tyrant who thought no more of the mass murder of his own people than he did of what he was going to have for breakfast on any given morning.

That, in Bolton’s mind, is Kash Patel. Now, this sort of thing is the height of irrationality, and so to subject such an unhinged claim to rational analysis is to dignify it beyond any attention it actually deserves, but since John Bolton was once a respected member of the foreign policy establishment, a brief explanation is in order. John Bolton apparently wants you to believe that if he gets his way, Trump will become a new Stalin, and his Beria, Patel, will be put to work not cleaning out the desperately corrupt and thoroughly politicized FBI, but rounding up Democrats and Never Trumpers for the new American Gulags, where they will get a bullet to the back of the neck for opposing the great leader.

      Related: It’s Official — Trump Names Deep State Foe Kash Patel FBI Director

Of all the hysteria we have seen from foes of Donald Trump, John Bolton’s wins the prize. With his statements on Kash Patel, Bolton has won the prize. He is far and away the most crazed sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome in the nation and the world today. He is in urgent need of psychiatric help. We can only hope that he gets it. 

What is really happening is that the elites are looking at the derailment of the gravy train. With almost every new appointment, Trump is making it clear that he is absolutely serious about taking on the deep state and draining the swamp. The howls of the elites who assumed they were made men and could never be ousted, and who now face the very real prospect of exactly that, make Trump’s appointments all the sweeter. Who will emerge victorious from the great struggle that is about to begin between the bureaucratic elites and the people is anybody’s guess. At very least, however, we can be grateful that finally the battle has been joined.

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