
Joe Biden’s Greatest Worst Hits of the Last Four Years – PJ Media

With a mere 24 days left to cement his legacy as one of America’s worst presidents, Joe Biden, or more likely Jill, has been turning a flamethrower to 11 and toasting what, or whomever, they’ve decided would look better as a dark shade of scorched gristle.

CLARIFICATION-O-RAMA! If one considers that Joe Biden’s mission was to gut the United States like an 8th-grade frog dissection, he has been wonderfully “successful.”

Don’t get me wrong, burning down the house isn’t a new strategy for our Carrot-in-Chief. Biden has been sacking our Republic since his first day in office. Let’s take a look at some of his worst, most tyrannical, unconstitutionally acceptable decisions that nearly brought down the greatest nation in the history of upright-walking humanoids.

The rapture began on day one when Biden bent his worn knee to world globalism and scribbled out a bunch of executive orders, like re-joining the Paris Climate Agreement and sending his myrmidons to ensure every federal department was employed with people based on skin color, gender, and everything except talent.

FACT-O-RAMA! DEI and the alleged change of the world’s climate are tenets of globalism. Anthing or person the globalist toadies don’t like, such as voter ID and Donald Trump, will be deemed “racist.” Anything they want to remove, like our cars, will become a threat to the weather.

Biden dropped the ban on travel from countries, some of which hate us, and opened the Southern border to ensure a firehose blast of illegal immigrants coming over the border.

He enacted a science-free decision that would force federal workers to wear feckless masks. He also decreed that illegal immigrants would be counted in the census, something Trump was against.

FACT-O-RAMA! Illegal immigrants were counted in the 2020 census. States can gain/lose House members based on population. I have a sneaking suspicion the Democrats know this and use illegal immigration to swipe representatives for blue states.

The Biden administration knew they could control We the People with bogus COVID lockdown rules, such as mandatory masks and, even more sinister, almost successfully mandating we all get the pointless COVID “vaccine.”

Related: The Marxism in Front of You That You Can’t Unsee, Volume I: Trans Insanity

Related: The Marxism in Front of You That You Can’t Unsee, Volume II – Black Lives Shattered

Related: The Marxism in Front of You That You Can’t Unsee, Volume III: The Common Denominator

Some of America’s smartest and most attractive news pundits referred to this time in history as a “dress rehearsal for communism.”

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a Chinese spy balloon

Of all of Biden’s greatest/worst hits, allowing a Chinese spy balloon to do circle-eights over our military bases strikes me as one of the most egregious examples of what I can only call treason.

I gave up on a bunch of liberal friends who are either too stupid to understand what a real insurrection looks like or are too brainwashed to criticize their political masters.

We have no idea what the Chinese learned about our military or how they plan to use that information. If China leaves our cities in dust in the next few years, we’ll have our answer and we will know who to blame.

REMINDER-O-RAMA! The House Oversight Committee found that the Biden family hoovered roughly $27 million in alleged bribes when Joe was vice president, much of it from China.

Of all the alphabet agencies we have in the U.S.A., I never thought one of them would be the KGB. But thanks to Biden and his out-of-control deep-state swamp wigglers, American citizens were censored, not on government sites but on privately owned social media applications.

The FBI, CIA, and other intel agencies buddied up to, and paid Twitter and Facebook to silence those of us who knew masks were a joke and that COVID likely did not come from a bat sandwich.

Even worse, lefty lemmings were encouraged to identify free-thinkers who refused to live under the inane responses to all things COVID and rat us out to the authorities. 

This is a real article: How to Narc on Your Neighbor For Not Following Coronavirus Rules.

FACT-O-RAMA! COVID was never a problem; it was the tyrannical responses to COVID that caused all the drama. The Biden administration doomers claimed we “COVID deniers” were “granny killers.” Operation Mockingbird quislings like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow beclowned herself spectacularly by assuring your cotton-brained, blue-haired brister-in-law that we COVID deniers were walking mass murders because we knew the clot-shot was a sham.

I hope there is a spacious, brick pizza oven-type room in hell for people like Maddow who can look into a camera and sell out her country for money.

None of what we saw take place in the last four years was an accident, which makes Biden’s nearly successful toppling of the nation more terrifying.

Biden purposely drove up inflation so that Americans would struggle to make ends meet. The 2020-2021 George Floyd riots were meant to usher in a years-long crime wave, which happened according to the plan. Why? Because communists need to instill fear and financial despair in a population to drive people into desperation, making it more likely that we would accept socialism, then communism, to “save” us from what was nothing more than a New World Order subterfuge. The Democrats have a history of creating chaos and using that chaos to their benefit.

This list could go on for weeks, but let’s get into the final countdown.

One of the most enduring and insidious moves Biden pulled was opening the borders to anyone who wanted to invade the greatest nation on the planet.

China used the opportunity to sell billions of dollars a year in fentanyl to unsuspecting Americans, 80,000 of whom die every year taking what they think is a Xanax but is actually fentanyl in disguise. They also snuck in well over 55,000 Chinese nationals, many of whom are now spying on our military bases.

We now spend roughly $150.7 billion per year caring for people brought here with the help of our tax dollars spent through non-governmental organizations (NGO) who are intended to replace all native-born Americans.

If all these Biden maneuvers aren’t treason, then what is?

FACT-O-RAMA! Benedict Arnold was branded a traitor for trying to hand West Point to the British. How is it Biden’s actions do not warrant even an excoriation?

I remember thinking 1999 was supposed to be the end of humanity, but Joe Biden’s four-year term was considerably scarier. As long as Biden’s reign has been, these last weeks have been grueling. Every day is like Sunday under Biden, and I can’t wait for the Saturday night fun that yet another Trump term offers.

Unlike my mostly former liberal friends, I saw the Biden-authored carnage taking place and found it terrifying. Pretending that Biden wasn’t handing our nation over to globalist, commie Ambergris was akin to dancing with tears in my eyes. I sat that long, four-year song out. 

The damage Biden has wrought will last well into Trump’s second term. Today, people scan red skies looking for drones that we are told are harmless or not even real. 

We know Biden kissed China’s a** when told to do so. He helped create a situation that may well lead us into WWIII. He has set a dangerous table for our new host, President Trump, to preside over.

Remember, when it comes to globalist animals like Biden, Klaus Schwab, and others, nothing is an accident. They play the long game, and they play to win.

OK enough of this, let’s have some fun!

EASTER EGGS-O-RAMA! I hid seven songs from the 1980s in this article that deal with the world coming to a catasptophic end. Did you find them? I will post them in the comments tomorrow!

Also, check out the latest video from Jokes and a Point. They prove again and again that patriots know how to have fun and that libdolts are humorless scrooges.

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