
If These Drones Are Just “Hobbyist Models” — Why Is The CIA/FBI Drone Briefing Classified?

If our government really doesn’t know what these giant drones are over New Jersey and our military bases, they’re even more incompetent than we thought. Time for them to level with us about what’s really going on. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO)

The federal government’s information, or lack thereof, about the drone invasion or drone plague over New Jersey and various military installations across the country gets curiouser and curiouser.

It turns out that now that drone mania has hit the establishment news media, people around the country are coming forward to say they’ve been seeing them for longer than just the past month, and in places far away from New Jersey.

The Daily Mail reported Ord, Nebraska Police Chief Chris Grooms revealed that Valley County, NE, and its surrounding regions, were besieged for weeks from December 2019 into January 2020 by ‘upwards of 40-50’ drone UFOs at a time.

Across nearly three weeks of nighttime encounters, typically between 7pm and 11pm, these inexplicable SUV-sized drones operated ‘with impunity,’ Chief Grooms said, and sometimes seemed to be ‘toying with law enforcement.’

‘A lot of reports by ranchers stated that these objects were harassing their horses or cattle on a nightly basis,’ he added. Some of the drones reached speeds of 120mph.

The police chief said he ‘finds it alarming’ that the White House is insisting that the ‘drone incursion over New Jersey is not a known threat’ — particularly given that the size, shape and behavior of Nebraska’s mystery drones matched those in New Jersey.

By the way, Ord, NE is about three hours west of Offutt Air Force Base, Headquarters of the US Strategic Command (STRATCOM)* and the 595th Command and Control Group, which flies America’s “Doomsday Planes,” the airborne control aircraft that would be our mobile command centers in case of a nuclear attack. Mysterious drones were also sighted in the vicinity of Offutt AFB (see map below).

*That’s the former Strategic Air Command or SAC for us old timers.

It is also more or less in the middle of our Minuteman missile fields, spread across the northern Great Plains from Nebraska to Montana.

So, we’re not buying the Biden administration’s play dumb act. And neither should you.

In one 911 call report, obtained by DailyMail.com, a rural resident of Lincoln County, NE told police she witnessed ‘seven drones flying directly over her house’ and that these ‘suspicious drones’ were moving ‘east and west’ in a coordinated fashion.

The witness described the seven mystery drones ‘as having red, green and white flashing lights’ as they buzzed her property over two nights in early January 2020.

The drone swarm’s lighting colors, as well as its behavior, match those that later made repeated brazen incursions over the restricted airspace above Air Force joint-base Langley-Eustis in Virginia, then home to America’s stealth F-22 fighter fleet.

For at least 17 nights in December 2023, swarms of these noisy, small UFOs were also seen at dusk ‘moving at rapid speeds’ and ‘flashing red, green, and white lights.’

And these cases are almost identical to what has been reported above sensitive sites in New Jersey, like the US Army’s Picatinny Arsenal.

Base police have reported 11 confirmed and unauthorized drone sightings over the arsenal since November 13, meaning security officers ‘visibly witnessed a drone.’

And then there was this intrusion at Hill AFB in Utah.

And then there was this case at Vandenburg Air Force Base in California.

Vandenburg AFB is where our Minuteman III ICBMs are tested, it is also where our missile interceptors are tested, Space X launches rockets and various classified missions are conducted.

We don’t buy Biden’s “we don’t know what they are, but they are no threat” claim. One key “tell” is the representation that the drones are “being operated lawfully” which suggests that the White House knows who is operating them but isn’t saying.

The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), call your Senators and Representative TODAY to demand that they conduct open public hearings on who is operating these mysterious drones and why they pose no threat – if indeed they do not pose a threat.

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