
How To Stop Trans Insanity In Women’s Sports – PJ Media

The trans madness continues, as biological males continue to smash glass ceilings and female faces in women’s sports. This past Monday, a Marxist activist in a black robe decreed that neither civil rights nor biological science factor into his reasoning process, and that biological male Brayden Fleming has every right to continue playing for the San Jose Spartans girls volleyball team. Brayden goes by his stage name Blaire, but I’ll be referring to him as Brayden.

Without a hint of irony, judge Kato Crews opined that the delay caused by the filed injunction “would risk confusion.” Um…I’d say there’s already plenty of “confusion” afoot, and not on the part of the plaintiffs. He also wrote that the cheated girls have failed to show “irreparable harm.” Um…I’d like to see the X-ray results from that girl whom Brayden spiked in the face before we can rule out the claim that any harm was done.

Conservative writers have spent oodles of time making a priori arguments as to why men should not be allowed in women’s sports. My intention here is not to spill more ink on that. At this point, if you still think men belong in women’s sports, there are no conclusions we can logically draw other than you’re a misogynist, you support sexual predators, or that you’re on a postmodernist binge to destroy as much of Western culture and its social norms as possible. You’re despicable, and I have nothing more to say to you.

But, as with all things left, full steam ahead. Neither election results nor public opinion nor established law nor the safety of innocents nor basic decency were ever serious impediments to a leftist with a Cause. Yes, we have the Trump presidency due to arrive shortly, but even he will only be able to do so much to stop this madness. What’s needed are grassroots movements on a major, nationwide scale, from the victims themselves.

To the girls being robbed of championships, the girls having scholarships stolen, the girls being injured, the girls being sexually assaulted, and their female teammates wondering if they’re next, America’s adults are failing you. Your politicians, your schools, and many of your parents have failed you. It shouldn’t be on you to fight this fight. It shouldn’t even BE a fight. But in this crazy world we inhabit, this fight is unfortunately upon you. And by and large, America’s adults have pulled their hats down, put their hands in their pockets, and looked down at their feet, hoping not to catch the attention of the frothing maniacs pushing trans cult conformity. It’s one thing to vote against it from the privacy of the voting booth. It’s another thing to stand up in your defense publicly in the sports arena.

First and foremost, what girls need to do is network and organize. Far be it from me to lecture anyone how to organize, as I can’t even keep my garage work table clean. But in today’s social media world, I’m sure these girls can navigate just fine on their own, without fogeys like me chiming in with the, “Back in my day…” These girls need to reach out to other schools, connect with sports players on rival teams, and come together to publicly oppose every instance of biological males invading women’s sports.

And they can effectively do this if every team in the conference forfeits every game against teams which allow men on their team. And kudos, by the way, to Wyoming, Utah State, and Nevada for doing exactly that by taking the lonely but righteous moral high ground and boycotting San Jose State. In a stunning show of courage that all the adults in the room lacked, the girls of Boise State just forfeited the semifinal match rather than play against a cheating male.

If only a few teams forfeit, as what is currently happening, it’s not going to make much of a difference, now matter how noble the gesture. But if every team, or nearly every team, did so, that would be something the media could not ignore.

So what happens if everyone forfeits and the cheating team takes the championship without ever having actually beaten anyone fairly? How to counter this “victory”? This is the hard part. the girls…meaning the real girls…have to organize parallel leagues. They would operate the same ways as regular leagues, but without the cosplayer men. Anybody with any integrity (i.e. sponsors, fans, but especially parents) should support these parallel leagues, not just with public statements and attendance, but with funding and logistical and managerial assistance.

Divert the money, resources, and support to these parallel leagues. Let the “official” league hold no-show forfeit ceremonies, and present now-meaningless women’s trophies to men in empty arenas. Once the money dried up, these schools and leagues would change their tune very, very quickly.

Here’s where politicians and donors could help. Trump could end taxpayer funding to all schools which disregard Title IX protections for women’s sports. Megadonors such as Elon Musk could very loudly fund such parallel leagues. So long as they’re private, the misogynist left would have less power to regulate who is and isn’t allowed on the teams.

And once the “official” leagues come crawling back, begging for the girls to return, the latter should do so only on three conditions:

  1. The return to the “official” league is approved by a majority of female athletes on the parallel leagues;
  2. The return is predicated on the terms of the girls’, not the leagues’, choosing, with future protections for female athletes written in and guaranteed by force of contract and law, and;
  3. A public apology and financial compensation for every female athlete under their charge who ever had a win stolen from her by a man, whoever was passed over for a woman’s scholarship that she qualified for but was instead given to a man, and to whoever was physically injured on the field by a male athlete.

School officials whose trans policies led to women being sexually assaulted should be immediately terminated, and if possible, legally prosecuted for endangerment. Criminal charges should also be brought swiftly against threats and violent actions taken against female athletes, such as when Riley Gaines was assaulted and held hostage. If the neutered campus cops won’t do their jobs, the feds need to step in.

Would all this be successful? Even if everything were organized in accord with the plan, there’s no guarantee any of this would work. And even if it were succeeding, leftists would do all they could to burn the institution of women’s sports to the ground rather than see it exist in an image not to their liking. But it’s worth a shot, and the next four years will probably be the best opportunity in the last two decades to reclaim women’s sports for women.

As I said above, teenage and college girls should not be the ones on the front lines. It should be the parents, front and center. I don’t know what the response was of each parent of each daughter who’s had to deal with this, so I’m not issuing a blanket judgment. But I’ll say this. Had it been my daughter who’d been smashed in the face with an 80mph volleyball spike by a male bully, my reaction would have made headlines.

But alas, not enough parents possess the “patriarchal” values necessary to protect women from predator men, not even their own family members. So unfortunately, girls, this cross is largely yours to bear. It’s a lonely fight, but it’s a good fight, and it represents a struggle for true feminism and equality.

Posterity will smile upon you, and will douse in shame the impostors who abused you, the cowards who erased you, and the androgynous men who failed to support you.

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