
Elon’s Perfect Retort – HotAir

The Democrat’s war on Musk and their attempt to manipulate Trump into disowning him is so transparent that it has gotten funny. 

If they were a bit more subtle it might have had more chance of success–and for all I know, Trump may take the bait. He IS ego-driven, and taking the bait is his biggest political flaw. 

But I hope and even tend to think that the absurdity of their line of attack is apparent enough that Trump will find a bon mot to dismiss it while humiliating the Democrats. He seems to genuinely enjoy and admire Musk, which helps. The relationship seems more than transactional, and Elon seems to be in tight with Trump’s closest circle, too. 

But the attacks on Musk go further than the ridiculous assertion that Trump suddenly transformed from LITERALLYHITLERSTALINANDMUSSOLINI into a lapdog of the real rocketman. They are also following through on their “Elon Musk is a white supremacist Nazi-lover” too. 

Elon’s ambitions for destroying the transnational elite genuinely worry them because he has already done them much damage, and has survived their attacks with hardly a scratch. Perhaps he got a bit of a bloody ear, as it were, but even the EU’s threats to his core businesses haven’t phased Elon in the least. 

He already pledged to help Nigel Farage in his make Britain British again, and now he has expressed support for AfD in Germany. Polling indicates that AfD is now the second-largest party in Germany, and while the Christian Democrats still have wide support compared to other parties (including the ones in the leftist coalition running Germany at this moment), they are still compromised by their association with the awful policies of Angela Merkel. 

AfD has been smeared as neo-Nazi since its creation, and there are fringe elements that support the party that are genuinely bad guys. But then again, the German left is filled with bad guys, too, and they have been actively destroying Germany both economically and socially. 

The terrorist attack–the death and injury toll will become clearer in the next day or two–on a Christmas market by a Jihadist is another example of the insane policies Germany has pursued for years. I am not going to share the video of a car smashing into a crowd at highway speeds because it is so disturbing, but that is just a small part of the price that Germany is paying for transnationalist dreams. 

AfD is the natural response to it, and I expect it will be a force for good, just as the slandered Georgia Meloni has been in Italy. 

This gets me to Elon’s Trump-like power to strike back at his critics. Like Trump, Elon doesn’t mince words. As the propagandists spin their fantastical tales, Elon smacks them between the eyes with a bit of truth that everybody can understand. 

“What a retard” is the perfect response. Clear. Decisive. Insulting. And dismissing the premise of the attack rather than engaging with it. 

These sorts of attacks only work when validated. You can never win when your response is “I am not a Nazi.” It repeats the slur and solidifies it. 

Is he? “Maybe, maybe not.” There must be two sides to the argument, and if he COULD be a Nazi, then I don’t want to risk being on his side.”

“What a retard” goes to the heart of the matter. It is very Trumpian. 

We aren’t used to such bluntness, and people like me tend to engage in arguments that, in the end, are fruitless. You can’t win against an insult. So don’t try. 

I say Elon won this round. Let’s hope Trump sees this and pats him on the back. 

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