
Democrats Are Finally Coming to Grips With Joe Biden’s ‘Stutter’ – PJ Media

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Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. The Sine Qua Non Sequitur is spending the day interviewing recent hot yoga participants.

It’s been a really good couple of years for rightwing nutjob conspiracy theorists, hasn’t it? The righteous lefties who take delight in mocking us keep having to admit that we have been right about, you know, everything. It almost makes the smear campaigns worth it. 


From the moment that Joe Biden launched his campaign for the presidency in 2019, people on the Right were pointing out that the old boy wasn’t all there anymore. His infamous basement campaign was essentially an admission that he couldn’t function on his own. And then he got the nuclear launch codes. 

Whenever we wrote or talked about Biden’s obvious cognitive decline, his water-carriers in the mainstream media would rush to his defense and call us a bunch of big meanies. For almost four years, the leftists in the press blamed Biden’s inability to string together two coherent sentences on his childhood stutter. Joe Biden has been in the public eye since the early 1970s and his crippling childhood speech impediment was never mentioned until the 2020 presidential campaign. 

After President LOLEightyonemillion’s trainwreck debate performance last summer, we were treated to several weeks of the Left feigning shock that the president was a babbling moron. Nothing about Biden had changed, of course, they were simply forced into acknowledging it so that they could pull off the palace coup and get Kamala Harris in the top spot on the ticket.

Now that the man they have been telling us is literally Hitler has been elected, Democrats have nothing to live for and are finally being honest about Joe Biden’s mush brain. This is from something Matt wrote yesterday:

Democratic donor and operative Lindy Li hasn’t held back in her critiques of the party. For weeks, she’s been relentless, taking aim at Kamala Harris for squandering a billion dollars, criticizing her selection of Tim Walz, and calling out her embrace of radical positions. Li has even provided intriguing insider details about how Joe Biden was ultimately ousted, and what Pelosi and Obama really think of Kamala. Now, she’s dishing on Joe Biden’s mental decline.

“Let’s just be very honest what’s happening here,” Li said during a recent interview on Fox News. “The president has not been cognitively fit to assume the duties of the Oval Office for a number of years now. And it breaks my heart because I know President Biden and I love the man, but he is in no shape or form able to carry out the duties that the Commander in Chief requires, and it’s just devastating.”

Li is full of it — Biden was never “cognitively fit to assume the duties of the Oval Office.” He’s always been  kind of a dolt, actually. Barack Obama brought him on board the 2008 Democratic ticket because he needed a non-threatening old dude to help him get elected. 

Because Obama left the Dems with no bench, Biden was the least bad option they had to deal with their Trump Derangement Syndrome in 2020. They didn’t plan on Doctor Mama Jill Biden wanting to hang around for a second term. Their plan hit the toilet when Joey Scranton said that he was going to run again in 2024. 

Having a man who can’t tie his own shoes holding the most powerful political office in the world is terrifying. Now that the Dems don’t care anymore, we’re finding out just how bad it’s been. This is from my Townhall colleague Rebecca Downs

With President Joe Biden’s presidency coming to an end in approximately one month, reports keep coming out to confirm what we knew all along, that he was a doddering old man who wasn’t properly dealing with his tasks of the presidency. Afghanistan has come up plenty, as Sarah covered when mentioning that report from The Wall Street Journal, in how the president was too “mentally fatigued” to take a call from Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) about his concerns with the withdrawal, who was then the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Now, a new report from the Daily Mail details how Biden’s nap delayed his meeting with Gold Star families. 

While gramps was napping and being disrespectful to Gold Star families, the propagandists in the MSM were writing articles about how sharp Biden was. Pure fiction, all of it.

The enemy of the people, indeed. 

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