
Chris Cillizza Absolutely Deserves to Get Beat Up for This – PJ Media

Chris Cillizza would like to apologize because he should have “pushed harder on the very real questions about Joe Biden’s physical and mental health as president.” Cillizza spent four years pushing on the Biden story with less force than a single drop of dew forming gently on a blade of grass.

RealClear’s Mark Hemingway commented, “I don’t think Cillizza deserves to be beat up for this, but at some point, the broader media were just knowingly misinforming the public for purely political reasons and did this for a very long time.” I’ve always respected Mark’s work, but in this one case, he’s too kind. Cillizza absolutely deserves to get beat up for this, and I’m just the blogger to do it.

You remember Cillizza, don’t you? He’s the (former) CNN “journalist” who made this gut-busting claim in 2016:

It’s difficult to square Cillizza’s claim with… well, anything. But his “apology” for missing arguably the biggest story of the century includes this gem: “Republicans would regularly ping me and say why don’t you ask more questions of Joe Biden and how he’s doing he’s, 76, 77, 78-year-old man. And I would sort of brush them off because what I would say is, ‘Well, there’s no obvious evidence that he’s declining.'”

I’ll pause here a moment so you can pull your jaw up off the floor. 

Cillizza hasn’t apologized or confessed. This is excuse-mongering, a brush-off, an attempt to regain credibility where none was deserved in the first place, and less than none is deserved now. Cillizza displays all the self-reflection of a vampire in a hall of mirrors. 

Meghan McCain pulled no punches: “There was no bigger and more obsessive ‘McCain truther’ regarding my dad’s age when he ran in 2008 (when he was 71, mind you) than Chris. He ignored Biden because he’s a hack.” My friend Kira Davis was even less kind, reminding people that “While Chris Cillizza was apologizing for ignoring Biden’s decline did he also apologize to all the ppl he insinuated were Nazis for pointing out the obvious? Asking for 77 million friends.”

The whole point of that Wall Street Journal story earlier this week is that everybody in the White House knew. Even the White House press corps became undeniably aware of Biden’s decline as they covered various big-name fundraisers where POTUS was clearly out of it. 

And yet the Washington press — I’m looking at you, Chriss Cillizza — looked earnestly into various cameras and lied to us in high dudgeon. They even attacked us in the alternative media and you on social media for saying out loud what everybody knew: that the emperor had no brain.

Forgive the foul language in this brief post, but X is where I go to vent my id before returning to PJ to be a bit more thoughtful.

The nationwide coverup that Cillizza took part in was every bit as scandalous as the Jeffrey Epstein case. Everybody knew about the Lolita Express and Pedo Island, but everybody maintained omerta — up to and even after Epstein’s mysterious non-suicide. 

Say, where is that Epstein guest list, anyway? Maybe that’s another thing one of those journalist-type persons could look into, even after all this time.

He’s no journalist. Cillizza is an infotainment personality, a high-level cog in the Democrat disinformation machine. 

Earlier this year, Glenn Reynolds reminded his Substack readers that “the ‘Cabal’ who bragged about rigging the 2020 election stuck us with an incapable president at a time of crisis” and that “Examples need to be made.”

There are few better examples to be made than Chris Cillizza, and he and his ilk need to be hounded out of the profession — journalism — that they’ve turned into a dirty word to most Americans. 

Recommended: QUESTIONS FROM 2022: Why the Hell Is Joe Biden Still President?

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