
Bill Gates Wants AI to Censor Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ – HotAir

Americans should be free to speak, to think, and most of all to agree with Bill Gates. 

If you think about it, agreeing with Bill Gates may be the key to freedom. Which is why Gates is pushing for a future where artificial intelligence agents scour the internet to ensure that disagreeing with his views on vaccines is not allowed. 

Don’t worry. It’s for your own good, don’tcha know? When has anything good come from disagreeing with Bill Gates? Whether it is your love of meat derived from animals, mRNA-free living, or wanting farmland to be used for agricultural production, following ideas that are not Bill Gates Approved™ has been shown to be harmful to you, the Earth herself, and your neighbors. 

I learned this by asking Clippy™, which, for those of you younger than Methuselah, was Gates’ first foray into artificial intelligence-like programming. It made using Microsoft Office oh-so-much better than before it arrived. Microsoft Bob was almost as good, but the animations really made Clippy™ a pleasure to use. 

Social engineers have always had a problem with the unpredictable nature of humanity, so as long as such people have existed, they have looked for ways to make us more machine-like. And one of the best ways to do that is to treat human beings as programmable machines–tell us what to think, what to do, and who to believe. 

Whatever you do, don’t think for yourself.

All this censorship is done in the name of science and reason. Not for modern men, the old reasons for thought control which was simply to preserve the tyrant’s interests. The new excuse is that The Science™ will set us free. 

Gates and his ilk may truly believe that if we follow their diktats, everybody will be happier, but does it matter that they do? Whether they think that our following them is for our own good or merely for the good of the elite–the “vanguard of the proletariat,” if you will–the result is the same: reducing individual human beings into cogs in a faceless machine. 

Ironically, real science requires the opposite of subservience to authority. Richard Feynmann once said that “science is the belief in the ignorance of experts,” which is right on the nose. Nobody who believes they have the answers is curious to discover what lies underneath what we see. 

Questioning, probing, challenging, poking, prodding, getting it wrong–these are the foundation of learning. Technocrats are the enemies of science most of all because curiosity and chaos go together hand in hand. We look back and celebrate disruptors because only through disruption can progress happen. 

Of course, it’s true that permanent chaos is destructive–but suppression of ideas is not the path to a healthy and ordered society. 

Look at the past four years–the age of censorship and authority-driven policies. People are less trusting of experts than ever because they have proven to be deceivers. As a consequence, people are running away from even effective vaccines because, well, who knows? If the experts lied about COVID-19, what else are they lying about?

Decent societies promote individual autonomy and rational thinking, not blind obedience. Bill Gates and the technocracy can’t abide by the masses’ thinking because a thinking person may not obey. 

We may even object to being ruled by the visitors to Epstein’s island.

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