There is a phenomenally good website that provides daily news-reports on the basically dictatorial inner workings of, and mass-mind-control methods being imposed by, the UK and U.S. armaments-manufacturers’-controlled government, which government’s #1 priority — and which therefore constantly guides its actions and its propaganda — is to constantly increase the sales-volumes and thus profits of their country’s weapons-manufacturers and other ‘national-security’ industries (and therefore the U.S. and UK are controlled BY their “military-industrial complex,” instead of controlling it like an authentic democracy WOULD).
The site is called “UK Column” and it is (except for a few installments, such as this one) strictly behind a paywall, but when they interview the great investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley, who specializes on Syria-related matters, she retitles the entire video and presents non-paywalled access to that day’s entire edition of UK Column at her non-paywalled Substack site. The original title is “UK Column News Extra – 5th March 2025”. She re-titled the video “The Zionist war against Turkey in Syria – David’s Corridor and the Kurdish alliance: The full news from UK Column yesterday”. Here it is, in excerpts I have selected to transcribe here, which relate specifically to how the empire imposes its tyranny upon the masses:
At 16:20, the announcer said “I wanted to focus on the legal framework that they [the intelligence services] operate under, because they said the Intelligence Services Act 1994 sets out GCHQ’s function as a foreign-focused signals intelligence agency. I just want to point out that that would seem to be incompatible with the integrated operating concept, which IS military doctrine in the UK at the moment, and which removes the distinction between foreign and domestic focus. [And think of Edward Snowden’s case in the U.S. — the same thing.] And we should keep in mind that 77 Brigade, which was claimed by the Government to operate only on foreign shores, was retasked domestically on a whim during covid. So, I’m uncertain whether we should accept the implication of this initial claim by GVHQ. The second thing that they say here is that the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 governs the use and oversight of investigatory powers by law enforcement agencies. But the amendments to the Investigatory Powers Act permit them to do all kinds of unpleasant things, and so I encourage everybody to read that document. It’ll be available in the show notes, and we’ll have more to say about this in Extra as well. Sandra [Sandy Adams], what have you got for us following on from Brian’s [Brian Gerrish’s] report on Ukraine on Monday [NOT paywalled — and it displays the documentation for most of what she says here]? Thank you, Mike [Robinson]. Well, I’ve been looking at, you know, what’s happened in social media this week. We sort of saw what happened in 2020 with covid. It’s almost as though the war in Ukraine and the Trump Zelensky theatre show has really triggered people, it’s become almost the covid 2.0. We have to remember that it’s the interest of the Deep State [the billionaires] to keep us all divided [against one-another so as NOT to be fighting against the Deep State itself]. I mean, I’ve heard people arguing, you know, all the time. And it’s important we don’t fall for that. So, I thought it would be just good to remind ourselves of the cover-up of corporate profiteering going on in Ukraine and the real reason for this devastating and corrupt war. Obviously, we know that Starmer has just agreed to send more UK taxpayers money to Ukraine this week. Investment so far to over 12 billion [pounds] since 2022, in the alleged help in their fight for democracy. Most of this money, as we know, isn’t actually going to Ukraine at all. Instead it’s being funneled into the pockets of defense contractors, multinational corporations and financial giants like BlackRock. This is a racket, it’s a system designed to enrich the elites [the billionaires, otherwise known as “the Deep State”] while keeping Ukraine in a cycle of war, debt and economic servitude.” (19:00).
She then talked about the main beneficiaries being “Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, and General Dynamics, all receiving massive military contracts.” Then she listed some of the (but much smaller, such as the Thales Group) British contractors who are cashing in on Ukraine. “What happens after the war — well, that’s where even bigger profits come in. BlackRock has already signed agreements with the Ukrainian government to advise on post-war reconstruction. They’re helping structure investment funds to rebuild Ukraine. … Obviously, BlackRock and its investors will control how rebuilding funds are going to be spent.”
So: this is entirely an insider’s game. She refers to “elites” but what those ARE is the most-super-rich individuals in America and UK. They are the wealth-“elite,” not any other type of “elite.” (Like she said, “it’s a system designed to enrich the elites.”) They are the mere thousand-or-so individuals who are routinely in contact with one-another in order to negotiate deals that will benefit both of them regardless of what it will do to their competitors or to the public; and, so, for themselves, it’s a win-win game (which is WHY their wealth constantly increases at a far higher percentage-rate per year than the nation’s GDP does), though for their competitors it is a win-lose game — and for everybody else it wil be a lose-lose game because all of the external costs will be paid by the public in higher taxes and higher federal debt (which will be paid by following generations of the public). (“It’s the same IMF debt trap that’s been used in Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Iraq. … Ukraine … is being colonized by economic means.”)
Ukraine’s colonization started on 20 February 2014 when Obama grabbed Ukraine and started the ‘civil war’ there that when it became TOO threatening to next-door Russia, precipitated Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ten years later. And here was how Ukraine’s ‘civil war’ started that day regarding specifically the Crimeans (and which therefore caused its breakaway from Ukraine).
As regards the question of when and why the UK/U.S. war to take control specifically over Russia historically began, see here. It goes back to Cecil Rhodes in 1877, the origin of the “Special Relationship” between the UK and the U.S.
I shall close by noting that because (like I do) UK Column provides information that is almost 100% suppressed in other media, they (like I do when I always encourage readers to click onto any link when you doubt the veracity of a given allegation) discourage trusting ANY medium, but they instead advise viewers to fact-check any ALLEGATION:
Why should I trust the UK Column?
Put simply, you shouldn’t.
The question of whether or not to trust a news organisation is a false choice.
Making such a choice is promoted by government, the old media, and two new organisation types: the fact checker and the trust provider. It disenfranchises readers, viewers and listeners. It is based on the principle that if you trust the media organisation you are visiting, there is no need for you to check the information they present.
So we ask you not to trust us. Instead, view everything published here with a critical eye. Where possible, primary source material is made available for everything we publish: check it; make up your own mind.
I have fact-checked UK Column enough so that I place that site into the small category of ones I now DO trust. Since it is a video-site instead of a written one with allegation-specific links that can be fact-checked so easily as to simply click onto the given allegation’s link, I am especially reluctant to trust video sites (which are unable to provide such allegation-specific link-based access to a given source), but UK Column is one video-site that I do now trust.
Anyone who sub-contracts-out the ‘fact-checking’ is making a huge error, because the regime itself controls the ‘fact-checking’ ‘non-profits’ in order to censor-out sites such as UK Column, and this technique of mass-deceit is an important part of how the U.S./UK regime controls the empire. So, ONLY oneself can police truthfulness. This is not to say that there do not exist experts, but it IS to require ALL of them to be evaluated by one’s OWN investigation (spot-checking) of their alleged sources. Trust must NEVER be absolute; because, if one DOES trust someone ABSOLUTELY, then one is that person’s mental slave. No scientist is supposed to work that way: EVERYTHING is to be questioned ALWAYS. Otherwise, one is an authoritarian, or a person of mere faith. Intellectual freedom pre-supposes a constant skepticism about everything — absolute (100%) certainty about nothing.
This originally appeared on Eric’s Substack.