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America Is Evil -Capital Research Center

“Death to America”:
250 Anti-Israel Groups Want to Destroy the U.S. (full series)
America Is Evil | Endorsing Anti-American Violence
“American Dream Is a Scam” | Disavow Patriotism
Disavowing Their American Identity | Appendix

Summary: On the Fourth of July, about 250 organizations involved with the anti-Israel protest movement revealed themselves as anti-American extremists by rejecting or condemning the holiday. Most of them publicly expressed a longing for the destruction of the United States. The groups’ public statements in response to the Fourth of July holiday show they are not well-wishing patriots. They are ideologues. In fact, most of them have openly endorsed Hamas’s barbaric terrorist attacks on Israelis on October 7, 2023. The inescapable conclusion is that the so-called pro-Palestinian network behind almost all the ongoing anti-Israel protests is an appendage of a broader anti-American movement that sees the destruction of the United States as necessary as the destruction of Israel.

On the Fourth of July, about 250 organizations involved with the anti-Israel protest movement revealed themselves as anti-American extremists by rejecting or condemning the holiday. Most of them publicly expressed a longing for the destruction of the United States.

Many of the groups also asserted solidarity with foreign terrorist groups such as Hamas and some even endorsed anti-American violence.

A review of these social media postings, their authors and the groups who expressed approval of them discovered that almost all the major groups that are organizing the ongoing anti-Israel protests took part in what are essentially declarations of war on the United States, including the groups most responsible for launching and sustaining the “Student Intifada” on campuses across the country.

High-profile organizations authored or liked the anti-American posts, such as the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, the Women’s March, and at least three groups that were trying to torpedo President Biden’s formal nomination: March on the DNC, Swing States for Peace, and Abandon Biden 24.

The groups’ public statements in response to the Fourth of July holiday show they are not well-wishing patriots. They are ideologues. Their protests are not the result of a good faith attempt to objectively analyze the Middle East situation with the intention of making a positive difference for the U.S. and everyone affected by the conflict.

Nor is their behavior representative of a principled idealism that rejects all war and violence in favor of peace, understanding, and constructive dialogue.

In fact, most of them—even the ones with words like “peace” and “anti-war” in their names—have openly endorsed Hamas’s barbaric terrorist attacks on Israelis (and non-Israelis including over 30 Americans) on October 7, 2023.

Of those mentioned here, none of them were seen endorsing a two-state solution where Israel lives peacefully alongside an independent Palestine in acceptance of each other’s existence.

Instead they favor destroying Israel—an objective that meets the criteria for the Geneva Convention’s legal definition of “genocide,” which is the very kind of atrocity they purport to be protesting.

A review of the anti-Israel organizations’ posts around July 4th show they are part of an interconnected, overlapping, ideologically anti-American movement.

America Is Evil

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and its American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) enablers are, by far, the parties that are most responsible for the eruption of the nationwide campus protests.

Terrorism-finance expert Jonathan Schanzer’s assessment that they should be seen as essentially a single entity. Both are pro-Hamas. SJP even went so far as to declare itself to be a part of Hamas after the October 7 attacks.

Nine American and Israeli victims of the attacks filed a lawsuit against SJP’s and AMP’s involvement in Hamas’s operations. It alleges that the two groups “are not merely organizing to assist Hamas’s ongoing terror campaign abroad—they are intentionally extending their aid to fomenting chaos, violence, and terror in the United States.”

The plaintiffs argue:

[AMP] serves as Hamas’s propaganda division in the United States. AMP was founded from the ashes of disbanded organizations created by senior Hamas officials after those organizations and related individuals were found criminally and civilly liable for providing material support to Hamas and other affiliated terrorist groups.

In 2010, AMP expanded its operation to American college campuses when it founded Defendant National Students for Justice in Palestine (“NSJP”) to control hundreds of Students for Justice in Palestine (“SJP”) chapters across the country. Through NSJP, AMP uses propaganda to intimidate, convince, and recruit uninformed, misguided, and impressionable college students to serve as foot soldiers for Hamas on campus and beyond.

SJP claims to have over 350 chapters in North America with various reports putting the number in the U.S. at around 200. Its national account has an Instagram audience of 62,000. AMP has around 15 chapters and an Instagram following of 91,000. The pre-existence of this large and fanatical network is why the “Student Intifada” was able to be so quickly organized.

The anti-American origins of these groups’ activism is clearly displayed in a Fourth of July Instagram post that was published jointly with the pro-Hamas Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) (682,000 followers); PYM’s New York City chapter (43,000), PYM’s DC, Maryland, and Virginia chapter (19,000), and the pro-Hamas Writers Against the War on Gaza (80,000):


We reject the ‘independence day’ of a blood soaked empire…

The final slide in the post declares, “This Fourth of July we call the U.S.A. what it is: An engine of exploitative capitalism and global imperialism.”

The slides accuse the U.S. of killing over 680,000 Iraqis with an image depicting U.S. troops as murderous and abusive, implying that the alledged casualty count is solely the result of a merciless, psychopathic American killing spree. It also claims that U.S. forces looted and burned over 1 million Iraqi artifacts, books, and manuscripts.

The other slides demonize the U.S. for the Korean War, which was started by North Korea trying to conquer South Korea; the Vietnam War, which was started by the communist North Vietnamese trying to conquer South Vietnam; and the trade embargo on Cuba that was instituted to influence and avoid empowering a communist anti-American dictatorship only 90 miles away from Florida.

Most ridiculously, the post villainizes U.S. involvement in delivering humanitarian aid to starving civilians in Somalia and its narrowly targeting Al-Qaeda’s Somali-murdering branch there. SJP, PYM, and Writers Against the War on Gaza, as well as the dozens of groups that expressed agreement with their post, want their audiences to believe that even this is an act of American evil.

What these groups are doing isn’t policy analysis. They are trying to build the case that the U.S., and therefore Americans, are an inherently evil entity of the highest order, rotten to the core of our very existence.

Over 70 Anti-Israel Groups Agree

Over 70 organizations expressed approval of this anti-American post (see the Appendix).

It includes a wide range of groups associated with universities and colleges, such as Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee, which has over 64,000 followers on Instagram.

The appreciators of the post include many chapters of national organizations that support Hamas and other Iran-backed terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, the Houthis, and the Marxist-Leninist/ communist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

That list includes the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition; the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party; Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which has about 85 chapters; the Party for Socialism and Liberation, which has about 80 chapters; National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression; Black Alliance for Peace; Anti-Imperialist Action; American Party of Labor, and the John Brown Gun Club, a pro-PFLP militia-type group associated with anarchist and communist militants such as those identifying as Antifa.

Other groups with national coalitions who liked the post include Dissenters and the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, which has over 60 organizational members in its coalition.

Terrorism-endorsing groups who liked the post and don’t have a network of nationwide chapters include the Bronx Antiwar Coalition, the pro-North Korea Nodutdol, which also operates Koreans for Palestinian Liberation and U.S. Koreans for Palestine; the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism; and PAL-AWDA, a merger of the New York-based pro-Hamas groups Palestinian Assembly for Liberation and Al-Awda NY.

SJP and PYM operate through the fiscal sponsorship of the Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC) Foundation. The linked Progress Unity Fund, which is linked to Chinese Communist government, does the same for the ANSWER Coalition. Black Alliance for Peace is fiscally sponsored by Community Movement Builders, a group with extensive links to anti-American militants including the Stop Cop City/Defend the Atlanta Forest alliance that has dozens of anarchist members who are being prosecuted on domestic terrorism charges.

In the next installment, many pro-Hamas groups also glorify anti-American violence.

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