
The Dumbest Idea . . . Ever!

I get into too many conversations with family and friends regarding the Ukraine war. Too many because they are so tiresome. Often my interlocutors base their opinions solely on facts learned from only CNN, BBC, etc. I ask, do you believe Zelensky that Ukraine has 1/10th the casualties of Russia when Russia has extreme advantages in air power, air defense, artillery, etc.? They tell me Russia can’t be trusted, they broke the Minsk accords. I ask them if they had heard the interviews of Merkle, Holland, and Poroshenko admitting that Ukraine broke the accords to rearm? On and on it goes.

Finally, if I am not frazzled, I come to the ultimate point of the discussion. What exactly is the strategy of Russia’s adversaries? Those brainiacs of the rules based order located in Washington, Brussels, London, Paris, Berlin, not to mention those northern countries that seem to be suffering from winter madness, have an idea. Because Ukraine has lost the war, the final denouement to occur in one day or one month or one year,  the next move in their 4D chess game to keep the conflict going is a particular idea. The idea is to get the US military into a direct conflict with Russia over Ukraine.

This idea is dumb. It is dumber than dumb. In fact, it is the dumbest idea ever conceived. In a display of an incredibly steep inverse relationship between arrogance and intelligence, they will pit the two countries with enough nuclear arms to totally destroy human civilization directly against each other. It takes a certain type of dimwit to argue that Putin would never use his enormous investment in nuclear weapons to protect what he considers vital to Russia, e.g., Crimea. And if not Putin, some oligarch much more prone to violence. He has said this directly. Any fool with even the most basic understanding of risk analysis would not do this. That is, to greatly increase the most dangerous event that could ever occur for an intermediate move to achieve the highly unlikely (and immoral) goal of ruling the world. Why not play hopscotch on an interstate highway at night wearing dark clothes.

You can listen to Pepe Escobar explain it all here.

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