“A simple but extremely powerful tactic – a mass disabling event from the perspective of technocracy – would be for a new social norm to cascade, whereby as many people as possible, got rid of their ‘smart’ (slave) devices and stopped voluntarily hooking themselves up to the control grid and feeding it information on all areas of their lives. There is a reason why these devices are designed to be highly addictive; notifications, for instance, create ‘short-term, dopamine driven feedback loops’, as the vice president for user growth for Facebook admitted. In that respect, society urgently needs to kick the habit” – David A. Hughes
David A. Hughes, University of Lincoln, UK, in his examination of the 2020 Pandemic and accompanying political coup, titled COVID-19 Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy (2024), calls for individuals to pull the plug on their smart phones as a mass act of worldwide ‘revolution’ against the global technocratic attack that began in 2020. Hughes asks:
“We are in a race against time. Technocracy’s bio-digital gulag is at an advanced stage of construction, with its CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), Internet of Bodies, smart cities, social credit scoring, ESG’s (Environmental Social Governance), 5-G (fifth generation) networks, etc. starting to materialize around us. Will enough people, in the wake of the ‘COVID-19 operation, be able to see what is happening and take decisive action to stop it, before it is too late (and irreversible)?”
Americans are not aware that we are on the verge of the elimination of a transactional economy based on two-party free market exchanges (using cash and checks) to be replaced by all-digitized crypto script that will allow a third-party into all transactions in the U.S. –the Bank of International Settlements — through its largest “stakeholder” the New York Federal Reserve Bank. What this means is that money as free market currency will die and be replaced with an electronic totalitarian system of controlled transactions by central banks. Moreover, German banking economist, Dr. Richard Werner, reports the eventual goal of CBDC is the replacement of all brick and mortar banks with a world bank and the implanting a chip under the skin, to exert total control over everyone except a tiny fraction of elite controllers worldwide. But fear about embedded chips being mandated seems exaggerated because they would require voluntary acquiescence as they can be “foiled” with simple tin foil.
Former U.S. HUD undersecretary and CBDG opponent, Catherine Austin Fitts, asserts that fiscal policy (spending) will no longer be a matter of congress or legislatures at the state and local level. Instead, reserve banks will take over fiscal policy and impose limits on spending at the individual level controlled by artificial intelligence systems. Market choices will become limited. This will be guided by a policy of austerity that intentionally decreases the supply of foods, goods and services to inflate prices that disproportionately enrich oligarchs.
Augustin Carstens of the Bank of International Settlements has openly stated precisely what it plans to do with CBDG:
“We intend to establish (a system) equivalent with cash. With cash we don’t know who’s using a $100 bill or $100 peso today. The difference with CBDG is the central bank will have absolute control of rules and regulations over use of CBDG and the authority to enforce those rules”.
CBDG Will Vastly Lower Standard of Living
CBDG will require a massive amount of more electricity to transfer funds (note: checks typically require 1 to 2 days to clear the bank while using a debit card takes up to 5 days, to assure the same money is not used twice). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that the current amount of energy required for a credit card transaction is 1 thousandth of a kilowatt hour (1/1,000 kwh). But a bitcoin transaction will involve extra “proof of work” and/or “proof of stake” verification requiring 1,000 kilowatt hours, or one million times more energy expended per transaction (the average US home uses about 900 kilowatt hours per month). At the current average cost of electricity of 16 cents per kilowatt hour in the U.S, this would equate to $16 dollars per transaction not the existing two-tenths of a cent. There were 18.5 trillion bank clearinghouse transactions in 2022.
The cost of this system would be economically unrealistic and would be a disguised excise tax that would circumvent local voter approval (e.g., California Proposition 218 Utility Users 4.5% Tax on electricity and phone usage). Nonetheless, a central bank, that is privately-owned not a state bank, and not Venmo or Visa, would be electronically authorizing each transaction according to climate change energy efficiency goals to limit where those funds can be spent. The exponentially higher cost is not purely for the crypto commercial transaction but for establishment of a draconian mechanism of totalistic social control.
Catherine Austin Fitts further reports that by 2015 the New York Fed Bank had pirated $21 trillion out of the US and its pension systems and social security fund investments to supposedly protect it from the uncontrolled spending by the US Congress. This was verified by Professor of accounting Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University. However, Pres. Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) task force is not attempting to recover the $21 trillion removed by bankers from pension and Social Security-Medicare fund investments.
CBDG is effectually, a skimming operation meant to confiscate and redistribute a portion of the amount of funds from each transaction by the BIS to its globalist and climate change cronies. An historical example of this mafia like shakedown racket is ancient Rome mentioned in the Christian apocalyptic Book of Revelations and its obligatory ritual to give divine honors to Caesar. All Roman citizens were required to have the “name of the beast” tattooed on their right hand or forehead and worship a statue of the emperor before they could buy or sell essential commodities, under penalty of execution (see Bruce W. Winter, Divine Honors for the Caesars, 2015, chapter 12). The modern analog to this tattooing is the COVID-19 vaccination certificate as a “mark of the beast” required to keep one’s job in the military, in academia and public schools, and medicine.
Where this emerging digitized transaction system is misunderstood by the public is that it would be the reverse of Marxism by robbing the value of money from the labor of the working class (proletariat) and replacing it with global banker Fascism and a new feudalistic caste system. One only needs to read William Dalrymple’s 2022 book The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence and the Pillage of a Country, to understand what the disastrous consequences of a corporation and world bank running a country would be.
Likewise, in his book The Princes of Yen: Japan’s Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy (price: $200 to $2,000), Richard Werner discovered the 23 years of slow growth in Japan was caused by concentration of power in the central bank.
Resistance Requires Class Consciousness of a Silent War Against the People
To untether us from smart phones, Hughes says we will first have to cultivate class consciousness. But Americans are mostly not cognizant of social class division between the elites and the mass class because of being socially conditioned that America is an egalitarian classless state. Hughes states we are largely unaware that we are the target in an asymmetric (one-sided) Omni War war hell-bent on depopulation imposed on us by elites.
For example, we are mostly unaware that by government privatizing email, social media, and money transactions, we surrender our rights to free speech and privacy because private corporations are not subject to constitutional protections and the Bill of Rights is not part of the Constitution.
Alternatives to Smart Phones for Blow Back
Most of us feel we lack enough political power and are too divided and alienated by elitist policies to find anyway to meaningfully resist the emerging takeover of global banking as a system of total world control. Hughes calls for foregoing your smart phone as the only way to gain power against this emerging world banking system.
However, there are several technologies emerging as an alternative to trackable smart phones (I have no financial interest in the products or services listed below and do not endorse them):
Privacy Smart Phones have no 32-digit alphanumeric code for tracking and have a real kill-switch rather than the existing off button that nonetheless allows listening and visual reconnaissance. The Unplugged privacy phone is an example of such a dumbed down phone. Advertising excerpt:
“The Unplugged © Privacy Weave cell phone stops the resale and tracking of your data, cold. It is powered by LibertOS, our proprietary privacy Operating System, with custom precise controls, advanced encryption, a no trace VPA (Virtual Payment Address), (text) Messenger, and a robust antivirus. You’ll find options to select your desired network modes to disable 5G, simply by selecting an option that includes 2G, 3G, or 4G, and is GPS (global positioning system) capable. Also provides anonymous browsing” – Unplugged.com.
Other privacy phones include: Blackphone Privy 2.0, Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, Linux based Fair Phone S, Murena 2, K-iPhone for VOIP network ($6,000), Bittium Tough Mobile 2C, Sirin Labs Finney UI blockchain phone.
Designated Privacy Carriers – Privacy phone expert Rob Braxman says what the government calls KYC (know your customer) is surveillance capitalism. The mobile phone is an ID card and requires you to authenticate your ID. Your phone traffic is captured by government. However, Braxman explains that no one is providing choice to users of alternative privacy carriers such as SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) over the internet or VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). – see The Privacy Solution No One Knows About.
Dumbed-Downed Smart Phone – Braxman also provides information on how to dumb down your smart phone to provide privacy. Ashton Womack how to make a cell phone a dumb phone mainly by dumping apps from your smart phone.
Gabb Network and Phones for Kids – Gabb is a cellular network that also offers kids phones not connected to the Internet.
No Identity Phone Number – Braxman also provides a service of issuing you a phone number that never reveals your ID and thus can’t be tracked – see Brax.Me App (@robbraxman).
Flip Phones – Smart phone consultant Ashton Womack online describes her experience in using a flip phone for one year. One must be careful because even flip phones can be made into smart phones.
As I was finishing this article, I got an email on my cell phone advertising Zelle to encourage me to abandon writing checks and using cash. I now pay all my utility bills by paper check (not electronic check) sent via the U.S. mail and buy food with cash as much as possible. I was told by a friend that the delivery time for ordering checks is backlogged because so many people are shifting back to using checks.