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WHO is Not on First • Eagle Forum

In the flurry of executive orders by President Trump, you may have missed the exciting news that the United States is withdrawing from the World Health Organization. The withdrawal process will take a year to complete, but the U.S. will save billions of dollars annually and protect Americans from the onerous overreach of unelected bureaucrats.

Just how bad is the WHO?

The WHO has two sovereignty-stealing instruments: the International Health Regulation amendments and the proposed Pandemic Treaty. Under the pretext of pandemic preparedness, the WHO wants total control and to trample on our human rights. Their treaty and amendments remove existing guarantees of human rights and freedoms during “designated emergencies” (which they get to define and declare), and transfer authority for managing pandemics from individual nations to the WHO. Remember that Sweden, which stayed open and free, managed the Covid pandemic better than any other country.

If we learned anything from the manufactured Covid pandemic, it is that the global medical authorities do not have our individual best interests at heart. The sweeping declarations and shutdown of our schools and businesses was a catastrophic failure for both Americans individually and for the United States as a whole. The “emergency” declaration lasted for two years!

The WHO has also proposed “One Health”, which would enable it to take animals, plants, and the environment under its jurisdiction and give the WHO authority over every aspect of life, under the guise of a potential public health emergency. Totalitarians use fear and manufactured emergencies to seize control.

Eagle Forum is a proud member of the Sovereignty Coalition, which has exposed the anti-American, pro-Communist China bias of the WHO. Through a system of “Global Health Certificates,” the WHO seeks to institute a system of digital documentation, including certificates for tests, vaccinations, other prescribed preventative measures, recovery, and even travel. Once combined with an interoperable, global Central Bank Digital Currencies, the WHO could enforce its medical tyranny by severing unvaccinated individuals from their bank accounts and credit cards. They would thus be trapped in a “digital gulag” unless and until they comply with whatever protocol the WHO deems advantageous to its CCP-influenced interests.

By leaving the WHO, the United States can protect itself from the globalist agenda to dictate our medical care. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) said, “If there was any doubt as to who bears responsibility for the Covid pandemic, Biden’s pardon of Fauci forever seals the deal.” Remember that Dr. Anthony Fauci tried to defend himself by saying, “Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.” 

Americans are so much healthier without the hubris of these so-called scientists.

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