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The Dems Aren’t Finished Hatching Schemes to Keep Trump from Taking Office – PJ Media

Throughout the 2024 campaign, Democrats insisted that we simply had to vote for Kamala Harris, or else the nation would descend into the fascist rule of Bad Orange Man, the most dangerous enemy of “our democracy” since the reigns of terror of his good friends and role models Adolf Hitler and Genghis Khan. It was all bunkum, of course, and an extended use of the old tactic of accusing the enemy of what they were guilty of doing, as it was the Biden-Harris regime that took actual steps to criminalize opposition to its policies. And now, even after their disastrous electoral defeat, the defenders of democracy are still hatching plans to subvert the will of the people and prevent Donald Trump from returning to the Oval Office. 

The Daily Caller reported Friday that political analyst Mark Halperin Political analyst Mark Halperin has warned that “as President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration approaches, efforts to block him from assuming office will intensify.” As prophecies go, this is an easy one, more on the order of “The sun will rise tomorrow morning” than, say, “The Chicago White Sox will win the 2025 World Series.” As the great leftist-turned-patriot David Horowitz correctly noted, “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.” And so the most suitable response to Halperin’s prediction can only be “Well, duh.” 

The Caller pointed out that “in a Thursday column for The Hill, liberal attorneys Evan Davis and David Schulte argued that Congress can still prevent Trump from taking office on Jan. 20 by rejecting electoral votes on Jan. 6, claiming Trump is disqualified under the 14th Amendment.” As our friend Matt Margolis noted, also on Thursday, Davis and Schulte don’t “cover much new ground.” Their column “references Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies individuals who have engaged in insurrection from holding office, despite the fact that Trump did no such thing. Heck, he hasn’t even been charged with such an offense, and when you consider the fact that rogue left-wing prosecutors have charged him with all sorts of made-up crimes, that says something.” 

Still, the fact that leftists are still floating this 14th Amendment nonsense indicates that they’re still trying to figure out some way to prevent Trump from walking back into the Oval Office on Jan. 20, 2025. Halperin observed: “It seems ill-timed, not just not in the spirit of the holiday season, but also given where we are in the transition cycle … we’re gonna see more of this. I think the left has been a little bit shocked by the election results. And I think as the reality of January 20th gets closer, I think you’ll see more opinionizing just like this.” 

Halperin maintained that in scheming to thwart the will of the people, leftists were simply acting in accord with the will of the people. Asked why The Hill ran such an article, he answered: “I try not to speculate on people’s motives if I don’t have reporting, so I don’t really know. But again, The Hill likes to get attention, so that could be part of it. But it also reflects a point of view that’s held by tens of millions of Americans … I think that you’re gonna see more manifestations like this as we get closer to inauguration day.” 

The problem is that leftists have floated this insurrection business before, and gotten nowhere. As Matt pointed out, Trump hasn’t been convicted of leading or supporting an insurrection. In fact, he hasn’t even been charged with doing so, and the Democrats certainly would have done so if they had thought they could get away with it. Many people don’t believe that what happened on Jan. 6, 2021 was an insurrection at all. Thus if Trump were really barred from taking office on those grounds, it would be a case of leftists going way out on a limb on the basis of a tangle of unsupported and highly partisan assertions.

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Would they dare to do that? Sure. After all, where would any possible pushback come from? The military, the Justice Department and the intelligence community have all been thoroughly corrupted and politicized. The establishment media would go into overdrive to hail the ringleaders of this scheme as heroes who saved democracy from the evil fascist.

Could it happen? Sure. Is it likely? Absolutely not. It is heartening that America doesn’t appear so far gone that the left thinks it could get away with pulling off such a caper. Nevertheless, it would be wise to be wary, and watch events closely leading up to Jan. 20. These people have thrown everything they could at Trump for eight years, and he is, to their dismay, still standing. They’re not likely to give up now and sing the praises of a functional republic with a loyal opposition.

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