
What Kamala Told the Teamsters… Yikes! – PJ Media

Kamala Harris is not exactly known for her political finesse. Her 2020 presidential campaign crashed and burned before Iowa, and in 2024, she spent over a billion dollars just to lose every single swing state.

Now we have a new glimpse into her epic incompetence.

As you may recall, back in September, the Teamsters Union made headlines when it decided not to endorse Kamala Harris. This was unprecedented, as the union had consistently supported Democratic candidates for nearly 30 years. The decision wasn’t made lightly; it was driven by internal polling that revealed a strong preference for Donald Trump among its rank-and-file members. For an organization that last backed a Republican in 1988, this neutrality was a seismic shift and a huge political victory for Trump.

Harris tried desperately to secure the Teamsters’ endorsement. She met with them, hoping to win them over, but the meeting only exacerbated the issue. 

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Teamsters President Sean O’Brien shared his experiences with the vice president, detailing her dismissive attitude toward the union. He recounted two specific interactions that highlighted her approach.

First, O’Brien described how one of his vice presidents, Joan Quarry, introduced herself to Harris at an event.

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“And Joan introduces herself to Vice President Harris, says, ‘I’m Joan Quarry, I’m on the general executive board for the Teamsters.’ [Kamala] goes, “Teamsters? You better get on board. You better get on board. Better get on board soon.”


Later, O’Brien explained that Harris agreed to attend a roundtable discussion with union members only after significant public pressure, including interviews in which O’Brien criticized her for not engaging with the Teamsters. During the roundtable, rank-and-file members asked her questions, as they had with other candidates. However, Harris only answered three out of the 16 pre-selected questions. When the fourth question was raised, one of her staff members handed O’Brien a note indicating that it would be the final question — despite that meaning the session ended 20 minutes earlier than scheduled.

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As Harris exited the meeting, she made a blunt declaration to O’Brien: “I’m going to win, with you or without you.” O’Brien’s recounting of these interactions emphasized Harris’s dismissive and overconfident demeanor, which alienated the Teamsters and contributed to their decision not to endorse her. Clearly, she never cared about the union or their interests, only their endorsement.

As stories like this prove, Kamala’’s candidacy was a masterclass in how not to run for office.

Harris’s lack of the most basic political instincts, inability to connect with voters, complete mismanagement of money, and stunning arrogance led to her humiliating defeat. There’s a reason why groups that had traditionally been the backbone of Democratic victories rallied behind Trump in historic numbers in 2024. 

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