
Finding joy in abstinence: Merry Christmas, crazy miserable commies

’Tis the season to be jolly.

And yes, that means even you crazy, miserable leftists who are dyeing your hair purple and declaring a “sex strike” over the outcome of the last election. In all fairness, however, your “sex strike” just may be the greatest Christmas present you ever gave.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And we mean thank you not only on a personal level on behalf of all those good people spared such unpleasant conjugations, but also on a societal level. By that one act alone, you are doing your part to make America great again.

So, thank you.

And truly, even on a larger level. On behalf of humanity everywhere, thank you. Every now and then, it is not bad to run a little filter through the human gene pool — so long as it is entirely voluntary. “Voluntary” is one of those things crazy, miserable leftists reserve only for themselves.

Anyway, your self-discipline does not go unnoticed, and it is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking one for the team. Team human. Team America. And team your unfortunate boyfriend. Or whatever.

Since this is that time of year when receiving gifts is even better than giving them, please consider this our gift to you as well. At long last, you finally deserve to feel a little smug about yourselves.

Indeed, one of the most baffling things about crazy miserable leftists is their general tendency toward smugness in politics, especially when they are not on a “sex strike.” Always with the lectures and high-handed moralizing about everything.

We are the “fascists,” according to them, even though they are the most intolerant people to have ever lived. And their unbridled arrogance is outweighed only by their unlimited ignorance. 

Yet somehow, we are the stupid fascists. They often call us “fascists” even as they cheer the back-of-the-head slaying of a health care executive and swoon over the swarthy good looks of the man charged with murder in the killing.

He is the best-looking murder suspect since the Boston Marathon bombers and Che Guevara, their favorite communist mass murderer, who was also a seething racist. Apparently, the smelly inbred unibrow look is back!

If anything, this last election should have been clarifying and instructive, even for the dumbest leftists among us.

The incumbent party intentionally unleashed one of the greatest human tragedies in modern times. Out of pure political pique, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris opened America’s borders. They handed control over to the most evil, destructive and rapacious drug gangs and warlords in the Western Hemisphere.

They turned America’s highways into corridors of slavery, human trafficking and child sex-peddling. Tens of thousands — if not hundreds of thousands — of migrant children disappeared into the clutches of unspeakable misery and abuse. 

All of this is under the intentional policies and careful watch of Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris.

Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris openly and proudly handed control of the borders to criminal drug gangs who made billions of dollars by importing drugs that killed hundreds of thousands of American citizens. They turned America into an open-air prison where rapists and killers roamed free, often fed, transported and housed entirely at taxpayers’ expense.

That is who these crazy purple-haired, sex-striking leftists voted for. These are the policies they voted to continue. And they walk around wagging their fingers at the rest of us as if we are the dumb ones, the fascists, the “threats to democracy.”

So in this season of joy and gratitude, we celebrate your failure and subsequent celibacy. May all your failures be manifold and may your celibacy reign forever.

Merry Christmas, you filthy animals.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times.

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