
Give Them Barabbas (And Every Other Horrible Human Being We Locked Up) – HotAir

Joe Biden is shorting out synapses in his cranium so much these days, or so I read in the Wall Street Journal, it’s not beyond plausibility to believe the 82-year-old President has just confused Christmas with Easter. 

Hernandez V. Banks and Banks in 2013 settled the question on whether someone with mental incapacity can enter into a legally binding contract. They can’t. Yet Joe Biden, or whomever is the Pontius Pilate understudy riding out the remainder of the President’s term in office until January 20th, just let a bunch more mass murderers out of prison

Before today’s executive action, which is totally within Biden’s Constitutional powers as president, there were 40 people who reside on Death Row after conviction on federal charges. 37 of them have now been spared the nighty-night needle and will get three squares a day, compliments of you and me, for the rest of their natural born lives. 

92.5% of Death Row has been emptied out. It makes you wonder who are the three that still have an appointment to see capital punishment meted out. 

Notably, the president did not commute the sentences of three people whose crimes included mass shootings or acts of terrorism: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of two brothers responsible for the deadly Boston Marathon bombing in 2013; Dylann Roof, a White nationalist who massacred nine people at a historically Black church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015; and Robert Bowers, who killed 11 worshippers at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue in 2018.

We read in the four Gospels of the New Testament, all of which make reference to Barabbas, the man whom Jewish religious leaders wanted released instead of Jesus as was the tradition on the eve before Passover. So what did Barabbas do? He killed a Roman soldier, and instigated or participated in an insurrection or riot against Rome. Let’s compare the sins of Barabbas with the people Joe Biden, or whoever is responsible for maintaining the illusion of there being a President Joe Biden, decided to let live. 

Among those receiving the holiday cheer is Thomas Sanders, who in 2010 kidnapped and then shot 12-year-Lexis Roberts four times and cut her throat in Louisiana — days after the girl watched as Sanders murdered her mother on a road trip near the Grand Canyon.

Christmas also came early for Anthony Battle, who murdered an Atlanta prison guard with a hammer in 1994 while serving a life sentence for raping and murdering his wife, a US Marine, in 1987 at Camp Lejeune, NC. 

Jorge Avila-Torrez sexually assaulted and stabbed to death two girls — Laura Hobbs, 8, and Krystal Tobias, 9 — who had been riding their bicycles in their neighborhood in a suburb north of Chicago in 2005. 

Four years later, he strangled naval officer Amanda Snell, 20, inside her barrack in Arlington, Va.

Several of those who just received clemency are mass murderers. Five, maybe more, are child killers. Joe Biden took justice into his own hands by removing the possibility for them to receive the sentence meted out by a jury of their peers. 

This was not to appease the masses that were looking for these 37 to be spared the death penalty. In fact, the rationale for why Biden’s handlers did this makes the clemencies even worse.

But guided by my conscience and my experience as a public defender, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Vice President, and now President, I am more convinced than ever that we must stop the use of the death penalty at the federal level. In good conscience, I cannot stand back and let a new administration resume executions that I halted.

The executions that Joe Biden halted were ones that fall under Title 18, Chapter 228 of the U.S. Code. That code reflects amendments to it made by 1994’s Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994. That act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

Joe Biden took an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Article II, Section 3 includes this clause, which Biden swore to uphold. 

…he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed

Except for this one. In fact, he not only faithfully usurped and disobeyed the implementation of that law, he explained that the reason he did it was specifically to keep Donald Trump from keeping his Constitutional oath and enforcing the law

There was one Senator who was the primary author and sponsor of that 1994 Death Penalty Act. Anyone care to hazard a guess at whom that senator was? I’ll give you a clue. It was Joe Biden. 

Exit polling from the 2024 presidential election showed that crime was indeed in the top five issues on which people cast ballots, and in some polling, in the top three. You’ve got to think this is going to have disastrous repercussions for Democrats over the next two years trying to restore their brand. If South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, the chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee this coming cycle, doesn’t begin to Dresden the contested senate seat states with ads about Biden’s embrace of violent crime, he’s not doing it right. 

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, smelling that something of this magnitude was on the horizon, made this prediction last Friday. 

Keep in mind that before today’s action, another slate of Presidential grace, commuting the sentences of 1,500 people, including the notorious “Kids For Cash” judge, Michael Conahan, was handed down by this White House last week. 

With 28 days to go, we have not yet apparently reached the breadth and depth of wanton depravity of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. After this latest slate of clemencies, I’m sure some in the West Wing are hoping that pardoning his creepy son doesn’t seem so bad. Regardless, you know these will not be the last pardons, clemencies, and/or commutations issued in this President’s name. 

Last week, Chris Cillizza, formerly of CNN, issued an apology for not doggedly reporting on charges that Joe Biden was off his nut in the first two years of his presidency. He went on a 10-minute rant about how he and the rest of regime media let the American people down by not doing even basic investigative journalism. 

Everyone knows Joe Biden couldn’t pick one of these former Death Row residents out of a lineup. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican, Democrat, or a member of regime media. You intuitively know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no chance this action today was ordered or drawn up by Joe Biden. This was a staff move, Jill Biden held Joe’s hand steady with the pen in it, and White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zeints moved the paper. 

Chris Cillizza promised to do better. He vowed that he would never again let a story like that go by without reporting or commenting on it. Of course, he was talking about hammering away at Donald Trump’s age over the next four years, not admitting that he’s a lefty who got caught up in the mother of all scandals. 

I just checked Chris’ X page. Nothing on today’s 37 clemencies of the most heinous offenders of federal crimes. You know what’s there instead? Navel gazing about his own mea culpa. 

Chris, in his reformed journalist mode, thinks the story is about him, not about what he apologized for in the first place – Joe Biden having no business being in the White House. He shouldn’t have been there in 2021, and he sure as hell shouldn’t be there now. 

Regime media can’t get up off the floor and do better until they finish falling. Joe Biden will not stop failing as president until he no longer holds the job. The Democratic Party will find itself in the political wilderness until they finally figure out what or who got them there. 

Fortunately, January 20th will fix one of those conundrums. Democrats might eventually figure out how to resonate with a majority of Americans again. Look at Senate Democrats up for reelection in 2026 like Jon Ossoff in Georgia as a bellwether. Biden’s stunt will not play well there, but will Ossoff stay silent and hope this blows over, or will he speak out and distance himself from this administration?   

Regime media? Hard to see how and when they recover any credibility. The government alphabet health agencies will be trusted again before media is, and that won’t be for decades. 

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