
Tesla Owner Is Sent a Uniquely Portland ‘Message’ – PJ Media

When they’re not busy burning, looting, and committing “peaceful but fiery” acts of violence, there’s another side to Portland, Oregon—it’s the gentler, more passive-aggressive side. While most people scramble between jobs to gather enough pop bottles to turn in to pay the “arts tax,” the political class and Antifa, but I repeat myself, spend their evening hours bathed in the light of their monitors plotting revenge on their wrong-thinking enemies. 

Enemies like their Tesla-owning neighbors.

In case you haven’t heard, hating Elon Musk is the left’s latest cause célèbre. You must not consider Musk’s brilliance, his accomplishments, and his inventions. You must judge him only for the political tribe he’s joined. As a result, the left has now turned on him faster than they turned on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. when he clipped his heels and gave the Nazi salute to his führer, Donald Trump. If you doubt this hatred, mention RFK, Jr.’s name to a lefty and watch their eyes darken into a stony, far-off stare. Note the quivering lip. Apoplexy follows. Carry aspirin and smelling salts.

After four years of someone else no one voted for running the country, all of a sudden leftists are concerned about Elon Musk’s proximity to the Oval Office. I’ll bet these people think they voted for Kamala Harris in a 2024 primary, they’re so under the influence of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  

Anyway, Elon Musk should not have any connection to Donald Trump, they “reason.” The guy’s installed at Mar-a-Lago, for crying out loud. His reputation must die! 

Back to Portland now, where on Reddit we read about Portland’s tolerance crowd going after people’s inanimate possessions. Leftist have an intolerant attitude toward inanimate objects that symbolize what they hate. They torch factories, labs, police stations, churches, federal buildings, and places where businesspeople dare sell SUVs. 

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Since burning a neighbor’s Tesla might look impolitic, even in fiery Portland, the post claims “a neighbor” found this note on her Tesla. If this is true, see if you don’t think it is an epic example of passive aggression crossed with an implied threat. 

Neighbor down the street found this on her Tesla
byu/oregone1 inPortland

The note, which was roundly pilloried for its comic sans font, starts out friendly enough and quickly turns dark.

Hi Neighbor! 

I hope you’re having a fun holiday season.

Sorry for the note, but I notice this is a Tesla. I am worried that due to recent political troubles, your car will soon be subject to vandalism and worse.  Portland is kind of a quirky town and some citizens may or may not be prone to shenanigans due to your car being built by president elect Elons Musk [sic].

Oh, but it gets darker because the “well meaning” note leaver explains what will happen to the car. 

I’ve heard rumors that Teslas may be targeted and I would hate for my neighbors to be subject to this inconvenience. We have enough on our plate and I know first-hand that a broken window or a popped tire can ruin one’s week. 

Read the entire thing above and note that the second page of the note provides a list of “Alternative Vehicles to Your Tesla Y.” 

In short, the note may as well have said, “It sure would be a shame if anything should happen to your Tesla.” A commenter claimed it sounded like a “thinly veiled” threat. Another responded, “Read it in Joe Pesci’s voice and it’s not thinly veiled.” 

Other responses varied from applauding the note writer to a person who said, “In true Portland spirit, it reads like the person writing it thinks they are helping but is immensely passive aggressive and has 0/10 social etiquette.” A person responded, “I love it so much here.” Another chimed in, “It’s a promise. Portland doesn’t f**k around.” 

One wished the Tesla owner would slide their car into a pond and not be able to find the manual override to escape. 

Another offered it as an idea for a Seinfeld episode when Jerry finds the note on the car. Commenter “Oregone1” supplied a scene:

Elaine: I don’t know, you better take this seriously. why don’t you go see Putty and get one of those Fisker Oceans?

Jerry: I don’t know…

George: I could see myself in a Fisker Ocean. It’s what a marine biologist would drive.

Kramer [bursts through the apartment door]: Welp, it’s done! 

Jerry: What’s done?

Kramer: Remember all that cottage cheese I got from Bob Sacamento? 

Other commenters continued the “story.” 

That’s fine in fiction, but Portland is as non-fiction as a heart attack. That Tesla owner may want to rent some garage space from someone who’s not that note-writing neighbor to keep that nice car off the street. 

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