
Now It Can Be Told…Another Shocking Example of Biden’s Brain Being Baked – HotAir

The floodgates have opened.

Now that Joe Biden, AKA George Washington, Cincinnatus, or FDR, depending on who you ask, is on his way out the door in one month, the media is finally reporting that he has bats in his belfry. 

For years–since 2019 or 2020, conservatives have been pointing out the obvious–Joe Biden is not all there. We were slandered, derided, called misinformers, Russian stooges, and every name in the book by the Pravda Media and the Democrats, but suddenly the media is writing breathless stories about the shocking news that Biden is more than a few cards short of a full deck. 

Who knew?

The latest story comes from The Daily Mail, which brings even more damning details, the most disturbing of which has to do with the White House’s treatment of the family members whose children Joe Biden’s policies killed in 2021. 

While the story is not downright scary in the way that Biden has control of the US military in his state is, it strikes an emotional chord that the more abstract worries don’t. He kept the family members waiting for the dignified transfer ceremony while he took a nap. Even then he was clearly impatient to get back into bed when he finally showed up. 

Joe Biden kept the grieving relatives of the Marines killed in Afghanistan waiting for three hours while he napped on Air Force One on the tarmac before a dignified transfer, multiple military families have told Daily Mail. 

The shocking allegation comes today amid growing calls for the Biden administration to be investigated over its scandalous cover-up of the president’s ailing health. 

Biden, it has emerged, has not been present for key moments of his presidency, nor has he been involved in major decisions like the disastrous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in August 2021. 

The White House denied the claims, but these are the same people who insisted that Biden was “sharp as a tack” for years, so take that for what you will. 

Roice said she and others were waiting for Biden to appear when a military officer told her he was napping on his plane. 

Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, and Darin Hoover, the father of Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover, who were also killed in the Kabul blast, told DailyMail.com that their families were also left waiting on the tarmac. 

‘We sat in that office for what seemed like an eternity waiting on the doddering old fool,’ Hoover recalled. 

Politifact claims that the “lie of the year” was Donald Trump’s “they are eating the dogs” moment at the presidential debate, but then again, they have to say that because the Pravda Media was complicity in pushing the actual lie of the year–that it was ageism and not repeating the evidence of our eyes to say that Biden was not all there. 

The media’s long-delayed admission that, perhaps, Biden’s brain really WAS the consistency of pudding is supposed to reassure us that they are on the ball, but if you believe that “cheap fake” excuse, you are brainwashed beyond saving. 

Biden’s presidency has done much damage to the country, but it has had the salutary benefit of showing to most Americans that the Pravda Media is filled with hacks who will say anything they are told, no matter how outrageous. 

And, since the media really IS the “enemy of the people,” the collapse of their credibility may serve a role in the eventual saving of this country from even worse fates than the Biden years. 

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