
West Coast, Messed Coast™ — Be a Shame If Y’all Got Caught in a Snowstorm – PJ Media

Welcome to the West Coast, Messed Coast™ report, where we fill you in on what’s going on in America’s wokest, most dysfunctional, and most navel-gazing areas. This week’s edition starts with governmental extortion and ends with a way to deprive these bandits of your money. In between, Scott Wiener continues to aim his flame thrower at Christians.

What would you do if your state said it wouldn’t plow the roads unless the public approved a tax increase?

Be a shame if you got caught in a snowstorm

In Oregon, lawmakers are under the effects of seasonal extortion distortion. 

The Oregon Department of Transportation refuses to plow roads, highways, and freeways, for which it is responsible, without a 35-cent-a-gallon increase in the gas tax. 

Oregon Catalyst explains that taxpayers already suffered a check jack from these blackmailers:

Budget woes?

• The Oregon gas tax went up 5% this year.

• Oregon DMV fees went up 7% to 100% this year.

Yet, ODOT cut 25 maintenance positions at a time when we gave them more tax money from these huge tax and fee increases.

Where did the money go?

Now ODOT is floating a 35-gas tax increase to fill their budget.

Seems like the lawmakers in Salem have forgotten their place. 

How bad can things get? Read on.

Something to look forward to

This is from the Portland area in January of 2024. Doesn’t get old.

Punching above its flabby weight

Portland, Ore., is the third-biggest-spending municipality in the country. 

We can’t wait to find out how Portland’s new and dysfunctional expanded City Commission, filled with commies and Democratic Socialists, will send more taxpayers fleeing. 

Feeling “precious” is not a business plan nor is it good governance, guys. 

Kill the Christians

This is what the powers and principalities of the world look like. 

The California Family Council reports that the purge of Christians from the foster care program is underway in the Golden State. This viewpoint purge is being brought to you by none other than Mr. Leather A**less Chaps, State Senator Scott Wiener. 

Christian foster parents with traditional, biblical beliefs on gender and sexuality are being systematically excluded from California’s foster care system due to the enforcement of SB 407. This new law, authored by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), mandates that foster parents, irrespective of whether they have an LGBTQ-identified child in their care, must affirm a child’s chosen gender identity or sexual orientation. Neutrality is no longer acceptable under the updated guidelines issued by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). 

According to a letter distributed to all county and state-licensed foster care agencies last month, “Each resource family must have the capacity, ability, and willingness to safeguard a child’s or non-minor dependent’s personal rights and respect and honor the child’s identities regardless of their own values and beliefs.” 

In short, foster parents must accept the kid’s fantasies about a different sex/gender as perfectly acceptable and that accepting the kid’s original factory settings is disqualifying.

We’ll be back in five to ten years talking about how screwed up this aspect of the foster program is and that something should be done!

Gender weird

Independent journalist Andy Ngo reports that a 27-year-old male trans activist, influencer (yech), and convicted sex offender, dressed up as a girl and tried to pass himself off as a 15-year-old girl.

Albany Police say the registered sex offender named Alec Ray Craig, who was going by “Makayla Craig,” was arrested after “posing as a 15-year-old girl trying to attend school with other children.” 

The police referred to the suspect as a “them,” and when I called the jail, the person refused to tell me if Craig is male or female. So I looked further. Makayla Ray Craig is a convicted felon and trans activist who was previously known as Alec Ray Craig. Craig was convicted last year of s—xual abuse. He was sentenced to only 36 months probation. He is prohibited from having unsupervised contact with minors.

If that wasn’t enough, he likes graphic novels. Very graphic.

Mendendez part deux

A 21-year-old man killed his uncle and is going to prison. But that isn’t the whole story. 

At the age of 19, Raul Alberto Lozano Lucas shot and killed his 59-year-old uncle for sexually abusing him, his sister, and his mom for years. 

The Tacoma News Tribune reported that the teen confronted his uncle after learning his sister had become a victim:

During that confrontation, Lucas Huerta taunted Lozano Lucas and seemed to boast and laugh at him, according to court filings from the defense. When the defendant said his mother had told him the uncle had done something to her, too, Lucas Huerta reportedly raised his voice and tried to backhand Lozano Lucas, who grabbed a pistol and started firing.

Pierce County prosecutors sought a first-degree murder charge but settled for second-degree after looking at his mitigation file filled with sexual depravity by the uncle.

Congratulations, you’re now a sworn crime victim

The new Auburn, Wash., deputy mayor was being sworn in Tuesday when she discovered that her car had been stolen from city hall. 

Four teens stole Cheryl Rakes’ Kia Soul. Cops saw them steal it on video. They saw where they ditched the car, which was also on video. 

No arrests have been made. 

Sounds like the new deputy mayor has her work cut out for her.

License, insurance, college diploma

PJ Media reader Kathleen writes to tell me that the Oscar Meyer people are looking for a new “hotdogger” to drive the Wienermobile. The dozen Wienermobile drivers must possess a college degree and down how to create hot dog puns.

Katie Porter again

Last week, Katie Porter was sending reporters the results of a new California opinion poll where she was the only one in double digits for governor. The poll didn’t include fellow empty suit Kamala Harris. This week, Porter is seeking a restraining order against her ex. This may be the same ex-boyfriend, over whom she has splashed hot or boiling water in the past.

The L.A. Daily News reported that Porter was granted a five-year restraining order against an ex-boyfriend on Tuesday, Dec. 17″ when the judge agreed that her former paramour, who lives in New Jersey, was threatening her and making her look bad in front of the public.

Vodkapundit calls it

In a post this week about Joe Biden’s Christmas “gift” to California, Stephen Green reports that old Joe has just screwed over taxpayers again.

Biden’s present to California is an EPA waiver to allow Gavin Newsom to force Californians into electric cars sooner than later. 

One of those is an EPA waiver allowing California to barrel ahead with its plan to outlaw the sale of gas- and diesel-powered cars and light trucks by 2035. To get there, the EPA will also allow the state to mandate that 35% of those sales be zero emission by 2026. 

This puts Joe’s legacy on a collision course with President Drill-Baby-Drill.

Doggone revenuers! Send your money here instead

In these last few days of the year, before we turn to 2025, there’s still time to give to charitable causes before giving all your money to the profligate federal and state revenuers. 

Here are organizations on the West Coast, Messed Coast™ where your dollars would be put to good effect. I can personally vouch for them all. 

Washington: The Freedom Foundation, Second Amendment Foundation, Seattle Union Gospel Mission

Oregon: Oregon Taxpayers Association, Oregon Firearms Federation, Cascade Policy Institute, Union Gospel Mission

California: California Family Council, California Pistol and Rifle Association, San Diego Rescue Mission

I was reminded about year-end charitable giving by PJ Media reader and Platinum Member Chris Conlee, who wrote about the charity that he and his wife started. 

The couple has established the Pay It Forward Foundation in California. It’s a phone app to donate a buck a month, crowd-sourced with other donations, and given to charities selected every month by the givers.

PIFster empowers individuals to pool their resources and make a greater impact on the causes they care about most. We’re particularly proud to highlight veteran-led charities and causes that support our military community.

As veterans of the Hollywood entertainment industry ourselves (I’m a film editor, and Shashana is a retired makeup artist), we’re especially keen to connect with you and share PIFster’s mission with your audience.

It’s not rated on Charity Navigator yet, but it is a verified 501c3. Plus, crowd-sharing for charities sounds like an interesting idea.

Give the gift of free speech at Christmas 

I called my lefty congressman the other day to tell him he should not vote for the spendulous plan being shoehorned into the end of the year. We’re all supposed to be too busy with Christmas to notice.

One of the spending line items was a multiple-year-long extension of the radical censorship protocols called the Global Engagement Center.

This center was responsible for taking down social media posts and running information ops on the American people during COVID and beyond. It was also responsible for trying to kill publications like PJ Media. The GEC came close to wiping out the entire universe of opinion journalism by killing its content from social media. 

So look like a baller this year and strike a blow for free speech by giving the gift of PJ Media this year by getting 60% off for Christmas with this FIGHT promo code. Of course, you can always get a VIP Membership of your own.

They haven’t ruined everything yet

Hedwig visited a Bellevue, Wash. neighborhood.


My friend Linda has a philosophy on life that is perfectly suited for the Christmas season. It goes something like this: 

You can choose to be a fun maker or a fun taker. 

Be a fun maker. 

Merry Christmas.

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