
Bombshell Report Exposes Massive Cover-Up of Biden’s Cognitive Decline – PJ Media

The Wall Street Journal has just dropped a bombshell exposé that reveals the depths of deception surrounding Joe Biden’s presidency, particularly the concerted effort to obscure his apparent cognitive decline. The report exposes the inner workings of an administration more focused on maintaining the illusion of competence than on transparency or governance.

The article highlights how Biden’s team downplayed Jill Biden’s vitality to avoid making the president seem weaker by comparison, with a campaign aide revealing that they were warned against praising her too much. But the underlying truth is that Jill prioritized power over her husband’s well-being, with her actions amounting to elder abuse.

The article makes clear that the Biden White House operates like a fortress, with staff meticulously curating his schedule and public appearances. Initially excused as COVID-era precautions, these controls remain firmly in place. The WSJ highlights how this “bubble” is used to protect Biden from situations that could expose his senility, further reinforcing the narrative that his team is running the show while the president plays a ceremonial role.

To adapt the White House around the needs of a diminished leader, they told visitors to keep meetings focused. Interactions with senior Democratic lawmakers and some cabinet members—including powerful secretaries such as Defense’s Lloyd Austin and Treasury’s Janet Yellen—were infrequent or grew less frequent. Some legislative leaders had a hard time getting the president’s ear at key moments, including ahead of the U.S.’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.

Senior advisers were often put into roles that some administration officials and lawmakers thought Biden should occupy, with people such as National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, senior counselor Steve Ricchetti and National Economic Council head Lael Brainard and her predecessor frequently in the position of being go-betweens for the president.

For roughly three years, the strategies the White House employed were somewhat effective. The article even notes that Biden’s interactions with his cabinet members “were relatively infrequent and often tightly scripted.”

The White House kept Biden out of sight whenever possible, even from the people with whom he was supposed to be working hand-in-hand. The mainstream media, of course, was willing to help push the narrative that Biden’s mental decline was a right-wing conspiracy. And then Joe Biden’s debate blew it all up.

Biden, now 82, has long operated with a tightknit inner circle of advisers. The protective culture inside the White House was intensified because Biden started his presidency at the height of the Covid pandemic. His staff took great care to prevent him from catching the virus by limiting in-person interactions with him. But the shell constructed for the pandemic was never fully taken down, and his advanced age hardened it.


The strategies to protect Biden largely worked—until June 27, when Biden stood on an Atlanta debate stage with Trump, searching for words and unable to complete his thoughts on live television. Much of the Democratic establishment had accepted the White House line that Biden was able to take the fight to Trump, even in the face of direct evidence to the contrary.

The bombshell report also describes how Biden’s team “insulated him on the campaign trail.”

In the summer of 2023, one prominent Democratic donor put together a small event for Biden’s re-election bid. The donor was shocked when a campaign official told him that attendees shouldn’t expect to have a free ranging question-and-answer session with the president. Instead, the organizer was told to send in two or three questions ahead of time that Biden would answer.

At these events, Biden’s campaign provided donors with pre-approved questions on notecards, yet he still made flubs, leaving donors puzzled since he had the questions in advance. Donors also noticed staff masking other signs of decline. Unlike previous administrations, a tight-knit group of aides, including Annie Tomasini and Ashley Williams, stayed close to Biden, often repeating simple instructions like where to enter or exit a stage.

For our VIPs: The Biden Bombshells Are Coming!

It’s a shocking exposé that proves that the effort to cover up Biden’s senility was extensive and that a lot of people knew the truth but refused to admit it publicly. The article demonstrates that the Biden presidency was built on a foundation of deception, with a compliant media and a complicit political establishment shielding a senile leader. As the fallout continues, one thing is clear — this story isn’t going away anytime soon. The American people deserve answers, and the reckoning is overdue.

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