
Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week — We’re Back, Baby! – PJ Media

This is the first installment of this column since the day before the election. I had planned on either winding it down or retiring it completely after Donald Trump once again became President-elect Donald Trump. It’s not that I thought the media meltdowns would get better or stop — I’ve been at this for a while, after all. 

I just felt like leaving the kids alone in the corner with their tears and snot bubbles for a while. 

I’ve had so much fun doing this column since I launched it in late 2023 that I don’t think I’ll give it up during the next four years. Because the Left is so predictable, it’s probably a safe bet today that it will become the “Vance Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week” as we near the 2028 presidential election. 

We’ll share the commie freakouts less frequently than during the election year, mostly because I plan on having too much fun after Trump gets back into office to want to spend as much time as I have been paying attention to the idiot propagandists in the mainstream media. Yeah, it’s been kind of my thing for over 20 years, but I feel like branching out. 

Growth is important. 

The return to the TDS column was prompted by Michelle Goldberg, one of the regular stable of Opinion columnists at The New York Times. Some of my colleagues think that Goldberg is one of the least awful of the bunch over there, but I’ve always found her cocooned Coastal Media Bubble™ hot takes to be quite tedious. Goldberg has that “angry college chick speaking too loudly about intersectionality in a coffee place” vibe. 

One thing I do like about Goldberg is that she never wastes any time giving away the fact that she’s a hack. That’s always taken care of by the end of the second paragraph of every column that she writes. 

The New York Times

At a press conference at Mar-a-Lago on Monday, Donald Trump described recent visits from Tim Cook, C.E.O. of Apple, Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google, and other tech barons. “In the first term, everyone was fighting me,” he said. “In this term, everyone wants to be my friend.” For once, he wasn’t exaggerating.

Since Trump won re-election — this time with the popular vote — many of the most influential people in America seem to have lost any will to stand up to him as he goes about transforming America into the sort of authoritarian oligarchy he admires. Call it the Great Capitulation.

Oh, the “authoritarian” thing again. Leftist op-ed writers fetishize a lack of originality. 

What follows is a weak excuse for Goldberg to repeat a litany of things that she doesn’t like about Trump, probably for the 1000th time. It’s the kind of emotionally untethered drivel that was supposed to sway all of the rubes in the hinterlands to vote for the village idiot Kamala Harris. The pre-election story that was boilerplate for the Times Opinion section is walking out the door but Michelle Goldberg is clinging to its ankle and begging it not to go. 

Goldberg doesn’t know that her “literally Hitler without saying ‘Hitler'” schtick is sad because she hasn’t wandered far enough outside of her bubble to meet people who voted for Trump this year. The coastal hacks are surrounded by people who keep telling them that they’re on the right track because it’s the only track that they know. 

Absent from Goldberg’s caterwauling about Trump being a strongman who has bent former Democratic stalwarts to his will is any acknowledgment that it is the will of the American electorate that put Trump in this position. People like Goldberg are horrified by those who don’t immediately buy into the progressive assumption that everyone wants to be like them. 

Head to the other side of the Hudson River, Michelle. You won’t have to go too far before you start running into a whole bunch of them. 

Exclusively for our VIPs: O Canada… Calm Down, Already

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