
Biden Admin Sent $300M to Reuters to ‘Look Into’ Musk and His Companies? – HotAir

Hang on a minute here. Every time I start feeling like we’re darn near the good old US of A again, BAM.

Some same dystopian, authoritarian, sneaky asterisk Democratic Schlitz pops out from behind a screen to remind me we are living in a simulation. And they are the EE-VILLE wizards behind the curtains.

What in the wild world of creepy, unAmerican sports is THIS?

I mean, I’ve despised al-Reuters since the First Gulf War, but good God almighty.

They even won a Pulitzer for the paid dirty digging they did. That’s like doubly schweet.

The money is all right here in an official government accounting document called “USA Spending.”

There isn’t a whole lot more forthcoming just yet on the reports, and, as they’re ‘breaking,’ I normally wouldn’t put them up in this format without some more in-depth “news” sources.

But in this case, since the subject himself seems to have taken an interest at least twice so far?


That alone is enough for me to think there’s probably a fire behind these smoking dollar signs.

Elon’s mother, Maye, came out swinging, too.

That gave all the liberal media a great quotation to spread hate, such as @nytimes @washingtonpost @latimes @CNN @MSNBC etc. Well, for $300 million plus many other millions, I assume Reuters found it worth it. It made me furious. Shame on the Biden administration, shame on Reuters, shame on the dishonest Democrat media, and everyone who knew they were telling lies, but found the money worth it. Giving them the Pulitzer Prize is *barf emojis*

All I can say, ee-ville doers, is you’d best FEAR THE DOGE.

Because I know exactly where they’re going to start turning over rocks looking for sneks.

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