
Elizabeth Warren Demands Conflict-of-Interest Rules for Musk, and Trump Camp’s Response Is FIRE – PJ Media

Massachusetts being Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren (D-Cherokee Nation) is still in the Senate, and while she maintained a relatively low profile during the presidential campaign, she is now sending up new smoke signals. After years of turning a blind eye to the massive corruption of the Biden crime family, to say nothing of the Clintons and other leftists, Warren has suddenly discovered that public servants shouldn’t enrich themselves at the public trough, and she’s demanding action. The only problem is, as you may already have suspected, she is demanding it of all the wrong people.

The intrepid former Native American has decided to use insinuations of a conflict of interest as a rhetorical weapon against Donald Trump and Elon Musk. When, however, Warren sent out her shot across the Trump camp’s bow, she didn’t get the defensiveness, apologies, and resignations that leftists have come to expect from supine uniparty Republicans. Quite the contrary, in fact. 

Warren asserted in a snippy letter to the Trump transition team that “putting Mr. Musk in a position to influence billions of dollars of government contracts and regulatory enforcement without a stringent conflict of interest agreement in place is an invitation for corruption on a scale not seen in our lifetimes.” 

Wait — not seen in our lifetimes? Has Elizabeth Warren been so consumed with tribal matters that she hasn’t heard of Hunter Biden and the cushy job he got with the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma despite having no knowledge, experience, or education in the field? Oh, and his father just happened to be vice president at the time. 

Has Elizabeth Warren been so busy passing around the peace pipe that she hasn’t noticed how her pal Nancy Pelosi and her husband are absolute wizards at the stock market, repeatedly selling off stock — what a coincidence! — just before some government action that will have a negative impact on the company involved? 

Heedless of her glaring double standard, Warren’s smoke signal continued: “As your Transition Team Ethics Plan makes clear, the role of government is not to line the pockets of the wealthiest Americans; a strong, enforceable ethics plan for the world’s richest man is a necessary first step for delivering on that promise… Moving forward, will he recuse himself from matters affecting Tesla, Space X [sic], X, or any other company he owns or in which he has a substantial investment? Currently, the American public has no way of knowing whether the advice that he is whispering to you in secret is good for the country — or merely good for his own bottom line.”

Heap big trouble for Trump and Musk, eh? No. Not only is Warren’s demand patently one-sided and politically motivated, but Trump’s team is not disposed to take it lying down. Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt on Monday sent Warren a teepee-shaking response: “President Trump,” Leavitt wrote, “has assembled the most impressive and qualified team of innovators, entrepreneurs, and geniuses to advise and staff our government. Pocahontas can play political games and send toothless letters, but the Trump-Vance transition will continue to be held to the highest ethical and legal standards possible—a standard unfamiliar to a career politician whose societal impact is 1/1024th of Elon Musk’s.”

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This statement should be preserved as an example of how patriots should fight back against the left. “Pocahontas,” of course, was Trump’s unforgettable nickname for Warren after she was unmasked as a fake, having claimed for decades to be a Native American while not having any actual native ancestry. Leavitt’s statement that Warren’s “societal impact is 1/1024th of Elon Musk’s” was a riotous reference to Warren’s disastrous decision in 2018 to prove Trump wrong with a DNA test, only for it to show that she was no more than 1/1024th Native American, at best.

Warren’s silly letter to the Trump team, however, does indicate that the left, as quiet as it has been regarding Trump lately, is formulating its game plan for the next four years, and will be doing everything it can to impede Trump from making America great again. Baseless conflict of interest complaints are just the beginning. The drive to destroy the nation and put in its place a socialist internationalist monstrosity has not ended. The left is not going to rest, and patriots should study how best to respond from Karoline Leavitt’s letter-perfect reply to the senator who will forever be known as Pocahontas.

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