
Jill Biden Announces That She’s Retiring — and the Punchline Writes Itself – PJ Media

The First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS) Jill Biden announced on Tuesday that she’s retiring. 

We know what you’re thinking: she was already leaving the Oval Office at the end of January after a long four-year term as shadow president. 

Jill oversaw a cabinet meeting when her husband, though in attendance, couldn’t do the job. 

Or as my colleague Matt Margolis suggested to me, she was already done when she was Nancy Pelosi kneecapped her last summer.

But it doesn’t matter what camp you’re in; she’s leaving her job. 

Related: Dirty Jill

According to the Daily Mail, Jill gave her sotto voce retirement announcement during a “virtual ‘thank you’ event with teachers tuning in from around the country.”

‘Being your first lady has been the honor of my life. But being your colleague has been the work of my life,’ she said. 

‘I will always love this profession, which is why I continued to teach full time while serving as your first lady,’ said Jill Biden, who was joined on a sofa by teachers’ union presidents Randi Weingarten, of the American Federation of Teachers and Becky Pringle, of the National Education Association.

Biden made her announcement at this campaign-like visit with American Federation of Teachers head Randi Weingarten and National Education Association president Becky Pringle, where she thanked teachers for using their jobs to proselytize for Democrats in the last election.

More than a year ago I wrote about “Dirty Jill” in her role as family cheerleader, convincing her obviously addled husband to take the Obamas’ advice and become the face of the party.

Jill Biden has always worked during her marriage. They needed the money and no doubt she wanted some control over spending and independence in case the hair-smelling, daughter-showering, parading nudist she married got caught and she was on her own. 

Jill’s smiles are her forcefield to stop uncomfortable questions from reporters about her sick, sick family. She’s the slick to her husband’s ick.

The former Delaware high school teacher still maintains her English teaching schedule at the Northern Virginia Community College, where she’s taught since the inception of the Obama administration. She had previously taught English and writing at Delaware Technical Community College. She has “four degrees and five grandchildren,” as Vogue enthused before Hunter’s love child was discovered and he started his second-generation family.

Northern Virginia CC has received more than $120 million in COVID funds from the Trump and Biden White Houses. She receives her $90,000-plus salary from a school foundation to satisfy ethics rules. She’s paid more than most teachers at the community college, according to a salary survey by The Daily Signal.  

And now she’ll be sliding into retirement with her addled husband. She will be a visiting angel to cover for her national security nightmare of a husband as he slowly loses any other inhibitions that remain as he slides into full-blown dementia. 

Related: WATCH: Jill Biden Got Humiliated by a Bunch of Kids, And It Was Awesome

They’ll have their choice of homes to retire to. They own two homes, as I reported in Dirty Jill. 

[T]he “poorest man in Congress” and his wife owned two homes, including the 4,000-square-foot, six-bedroom Rehoboth Beach, Del., colonial and their ten-acre Wilmington manse “that Joe famously designed himself… with a big swimming pool,” reported a Vogue article entitled, “A First Lady for All of Us: On the Road With Dr. Jill Biden.” 

The Rehoboth Beach home bears a sign called “A Promise Kept” because, Jill says, “The promise kept was actually this house! Because [Joe] kept saying, ‘When I write my book, I’ll buy you a beach house.'” 

Now we learn that the couple paid $2.74 million cash. That deal went down just days after Hunter Biden demanded the Chinese give the Biden family money, saying he was sitting right next to his father while making the threat.

There will be fewer public humiliations for Joe, such as this one, when he apparently thought that the blonde on stage with him was his wife. 

My sad prediction is that there will be a few Vogue or Town and Country-like features on the Bidens’ retirements. Then, perhaps, the Bidens will make a couple of overseas trips to collect some checks, and the next thing you know, the family will announce that Joe’s public life is ending due to his dementia.

The family will split the spoils, though there will be a fight with Hunter over assets, and Jill will spend her dotage with the grandkids and making bank speechmaking about being a teacher. 

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