
Democratic Dead Reckoning – HotAir

In this instance, I don’t mean being able to find their way out of a paper bag without celestial aids for navigation because it’s patently obvious they can’t. 

The exact opposite.

I am using ‘dead’ in the literal sense – deceased, departed, expired, gone, stinks in the sink after 72 hours, aka MUERTO.

This is what most Democrats, particularly the progressive and most resistant wing of the party, are failing to see.

For all the navel-gazing, hair-shirt-wearing, epithet shrieking they are doing – and did through during the entire campaign – about The Bad Orange Man, the felon, the woe unto George Stephanopoulos ‘rapist,’ etc.

What they threw at Donald Trump spooled up and spittle-flecked as they got trying to outdo each other in incendiary language, intent on making him the bogeyman, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and George Wallace combined. Yet, never once did the fact that the American people had already experienced what they were portraying as a looming horror of a Trump presidency pierce their consciousness. 

It simply did not occur to the howling lunatics of the Left to wonder if, compared to the disaster of his (and Dems at large) authoritarian COVID response and the current fraught state of economic conditions for many voters, perhaps the approach they were taking was falling on deaf ears. 

Maybe the constant vitriol even inadvertently caused voters who would generally be sympathetic to Democratic outreach to remember the Trump years. When that happened, Trump’s first term always contrasted favorably with what was currently falling apart around their heads. Additionally, what was being fed to their ears now rang discordantly with what they recalled quite clearly as damn near boom times.

Voters also remembered that Trump never once told them their lyin’ eyes weren’t seeing something, as they’d been repeatedly brushed off when #Bidenomics inflation complaints surfaced.

No. The more Dems harangued, the more it boomeranged.

Trump wasn’t a leap of faith – he was a known quantity with verifiable accomplishments still fresh in collective memories. And most of those memories were rosy, made even more so by the squalid mess the Biden administration was making daily.

Dems are still stuck in their myopic rut of how did this happen?

When the answers have always been obvious.

They spent all of their energy demanding the peasants pay attention and do as they were told.

And the folks who will tell you they are the smartest people in the country got outsmarted.

And while the elites are wrapped in misery, wandering around the scorched ruins of their hopes and dreams while fantasizing about who gets hauled off to the Trumpian Gulags first, you know who feels pretty good about the way things are going?


Isn’t that disconnect weird?

This headline had to kill CNBC (Admittedly, not as badly as it would have destroyed their sister channel, though. *winkwinknudgenudge*)

Majority of Americans are ready to support Trump and large parts of his agenda, says CNBC survey

The article is a chirp-a-thon of hope and change.

Not “I hope we survive the next four years, ” but more along the lines of “I hope we NEVER see ANYTHING like the last four years again.”

Americans say they are ready to support President-elect Donald Trump in his second term and majorities give a green light to some of his controversial promises on the campaign trial. Yet the CNBC All-America Economic Survey also finds the public is flashing yellow and red warning lights on some parts of the Trump agenda.

The survey finds 60% say deploying the military to the border to stop illegal drugs and human trafficking should be a 2025 priority for the new administration with an additional 13% saying it should still be done but later in the term. The proposal is only opposed outright by 24%, including 51% of Democrats, 12% of independents and 3% of Republicans. Majorities of Americans also support cutting individual taxes, increasing deportation of undocumented immigrants, reducing the size of government, drilling for more oil on federal lands and cutting taxes and regulation for business.

Americans overall are more upbeat about the economic outlook for the second Trump presidency than they were the first. More than half, or 51%, say they expect their personal financial situation to improve, 10 points higher than when he was elected in 2016; the same percentage, 51%, also say they expect the U.S. economy to improve, up 5 points from 2016.

…But Americans are considerably more hopeful on the economic outlook, charged by Republican enthusiasm in the wake of the election. Forty-six percent of the public expect the economy to improve in the next year, up nine points from October, and driven by a switch of Republicans (and, to a lesser extent, independents) from pessimistic to optimistic. At the same time, 33% say the economy will get worse, up 16 points and driven entirely by deeper downbeat views of Democrats.

There’s a spring in steps that hasn’t been there for so long and the only ones who don’t see it are the entrenched Eeyores of the progressive Democrats who are still trying to spew their divisive bile.

What’s making it extremely difficult for them is two things: 1) their party’s own actions and 2) Trump’s across-the-board victory.

This was a masterful take-down of Donna Brazile’s ancient MAGA hate talking points by Reince Priebus.


Holy smokes, that’s a thing of beauty – and so true.

Priebus is trying to tell the old ideologue to wake up, girlfriend. But she’s as willfully deaf as ever.

…“So I mean, he won with Muslim voters in Dearborn. He won with Puerto Ricans in Florida. He won a majority of male Hispanic voters. He won in every state across the country better, except for I think like Washington and Oregon or something like that,” Priebus added. “So MAGA is here because MAGA has been accepted by the American people, and so that’s why we’re here. We got to be reminded of this all the time.”

And good – let her and the rest of them stay that way, under their bridges and rocks.

Everyone wants to hear what this guy says because not one word will be about ignoring what’s right in front of your eyes or scanning in the grocery checkout.

That builds optimism. That builds faith that a person will work as hard as they can to try the best they can to make things that matter to them better.

That’s all Americans want. 

They want to see that effort put into things that concern them. They want to know that the people they elect have heard their priorities and that they are the government’s priorities. Not what some shadowy billionaires in Davos think should be happening.

Americans want their president beholden to no idealogy but serving and protecting the American people to the best of his ability.

Americans aren’t into counting on miracles, but they’ll take one if it comes along.

I believe many feel like they’ve already seen the miraculous happen this past July, then this past November, and feel like the sky’s the limit again.

That all-American inescapable sense of national buoyancy is another one of those miracles.

Do you think we can fly?

Why, yes – I believe we can fly.

And it looks like I have an awful lot of company.

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