
73% of Americans Now Support Militarizing the Border – PJ Media

Forget about trying to define what a woman (or a womyn) is. The media is so baffled and disoriented by the ascension of MAGA, that they can’t define anything anymore. Trump is living rent-free in their heads, and all their braincells were evicted.

It’s like they’ve lost their thesaurus. 

For example, take the word “controversial.” It used to mean a concept, opinion or topic where the consensus was split — with lots of people feeling one way, but lots of other people feeling the opposite. A “controversial story” was one that stirred strong opinions on both sides.

It wasn’t the same “unpopular.” Late-term abortions aren’t “controversial” at all; 80% of Americans oppose abortion in the last trimester. They don’t have enough support to be “controversial.” 

They’re just unpopular.

It works the other way, too: Making English the official language of the United States isn’t even slightly controversial. Eighty-one percent of Americans support it! So whether or not you personally agree with the English-only movement, it’s a very popular position.

There’s absolutely nothing “controversial” about overwhelming, lopsided margins.

Liberal journalists have certain tipoffs that signal their bias, and one of ‘em is the misuse of the word “controversial.” It goes like this: When liberals are in the majority, opinion polls are always 100% reflective of public sentiment — and how dare conservatives defy the will of the people! 

Why, that’s just not democratic!

But when the opinion poll strongly sides with conservatives, then the conservative position isn’t popular — it’s “controversial.” See how that works?

Conservatives aren’t allowed to be popular.

For Exhibit A of this leftwing journalistic trope, I submit to you the opening sentence in CNBC’s article about their latest Trump poll:

Americans say they are ready to support President-elect Donald Trump in his second term, and majorities give a green light to some of his controversial promises on the campaign trail, according to the CNBC All-America Economic Survey. [emphasis added]

Controversial, eh? Well, let’s look at the numbers and see how many actually opposed Trump’s “controversial” agenda:

Just 29% opposed increased drilling for oil.

Just 31% opposed increasing deportations.

Just 33% opposed cutting government spending.

Just 16% opposed cutting individual taxes.

What CNBC describes as “controversial” is wildly popular with large majorities of Americans!

And equally eye-popping was what the poll discovered about illegal immigration and our border: Only 24% opposed militarizing the border!

Sixty percent said that it should be a top priority in 2025 — a larger number than any other issue polled. (Thirteen percent supported militarizing the border, but felt it could wait.) That comes to 73% of Americans — nearly 3 out of 4 — favoring the employment of U.S. troops.

This is a new phenomenon.

In 2014, a Fox News poll showed that 68% of Americans supported letting illegal aliens stay in the country (albeit with certain requirements). By 2017, that number dropped to 60%. Slowly but surely, the worm (probably from a tequila bottle) was beginning to turn.

In 2023, 55% supported militarizing the border. A different 2023 poll had it at 58%. And now, in 2024, it’s at 81%. 

If its trajectory holds, it could rise even higher in 2025.

While the liberals in Washington and their apologists in the media were hiding the truth and redefining words, a curious thing happened: They lost the debate.

And in the process, they lost the country.

Via their inaction, ineptitude, and indifference, the Biden-Harris administration illustrated the necessity of competent immigration policy. Beyond a shadow of doubt, they showed why it mattered. Furthermore, the implication that their policy communicated to the American people — “We care more about them than you” — bit ‘em squarely on la culata on Election Day.

Militarizing the border isn’t “controversial” at all. Which is why the Democrats in D.C. are now saying adios

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