Anticipation for a Trump 2.0 administration builds as Biden dawdles and cements his legacy
Peruse the evening news these days and you’ll likely find just as much – or even much more – coverage of the man who will be president as of the 20th of next month as you would of

the broken-down old goat serving out his hours as president in the White House this moment.
A certain amount of the coverage imbalance is to be expected as the president elect, Donald J. Trump, is and always has been a premier news draw who effortlessly attracts producers and TV personalities to his noteworthy persona. Meanwhile, outgoing president senile Joe Biden is seemingly playing out the string as his time until permanent retirement dwindles down, the Democrat appearing less and less interested in his official duties as events go by.
Senile Joe’s pardon of prodigal son Hunter Biden has not been well-received by many on either side of the partisan divide. January 20th can’t get here fast enough to satisfy those who’ve already moved on in their own minds, practically picturing Trump as the true American commander-in-chief and Biden readying to skedaddle up the AMTRAK train tracks to Delaware where he’ll presumably spend his remaining years losing what’s left of his cognitive capacity.
“Trump is quickly assembling an administration. After several weeks of mostly quiet working, he has been speaking more publicly in recent days about what he will do when he assumes the presidency on Jan. 20. Leaders in Washington and in the world are planning and preparing for that time. Biden seems less and less relevant to the conversation. ‘Biden has effectively disappeared from the radar,’ Politico reports. ‘Within the Democratic Party, on Capitol Hill — and even within his own administration — it feels like he left the Oval Office weeks ago.’ …
“Certainly, most Republicans, and lots of independents, and even some Democrats, would prefer if the inauguration came before Jan. 20. But the inauguration date is in the Constitution, in the 20th Amendment. The amendment was ratified in 1933 to replace the earlier inauguration date of March 4, which had been the date since nearly the beginning of the nation but left a long transition period between a presidential election in the first week of November and the inauguration in the first week of March…”
I will confess, I knew the inauguration date specified in the Constitution had been changed from March to January at some point in the nation’s history but I wasn’t keen on the exact reason why, figuring weather-inspired delays weren’t as much of a worry for modern administrations as they may have been a couple hundred years ago.
For example, President William Henry Harrison, elected in 1840 (and sworn in March, 1841), ended up serving only a little over a month as president because he reportedly caught a cold at his outdoor ceremony that turned into pneumonia and ended his life. The difference in weather between January and March can be striking, but isn’t that what heaters are for?
Here’s guessing millions of Trump fans are excited for Inauguration Day and will make the

journey to Washington DC regardless of what natural phenomena shows up to potentially spoil the fun.
For one thing, as previously alluded to, it feels like Trump is already the president… again. Trump has always carried himself with the commanding presence a president enjoys, so it’s no stretch for him to suddenly shift from campaign to governing mode. Having attended the 45th president’s first ceremony in 2017, I marveled at how “ready” he appeared once he made the short journey through the capitol building to the west terrace.
‘He was born for this’ I thought of Trump, someone who was prepared for celebrity and notoriety before he ever had to be made for it.
But the nation is indeed primed for Trump to takeover in mid-January. Or next week if that were the case. It’s almost as though the national vote last month was anticlimactic, since the people were clearly equipped for what Trump represented as a leader. It’s “only” been four years, but senile Joe and his Democrat cohorts sought to take over and dictate policy, not give a voice to the desires of the people.
At its core, Trump’s message was very simple, which was to return America to the principles from which it was founded as written in the Constitution and articulated in the Declaration of Independence. The slogan “Make America Great Again” implies that the nation, once upon a time, was great.
This is why Americans are anxious for January 20th to arrive so it won’t be a “transition” period any longer and Trump can reprise his role as the leader of the free world. Global superiors will realize where they stand and won’t be conducting foreign policy as though a temporary puppet government is filling the crevices with decisions that don’t mean anything.
And Joe Biden’s remaining loyalists can cease trying to cement his policy legacy by making it difficult or impossible for Trump to make changes once he is in power. Senile Joe’s pardon of Hunter showed that the outgoing president has no shame regarding himself or his family. Joe will do everything possible in his weeks left at the helm to cover himself and erect a solid legal defense wall around his friends. It won’t be pretty.
Justice for the January 6 hostages will have to wait
While it’s understandable how Trump backers are anxious for “the” day to get here to finally receive the chance to see how America would have turned out if 2020’s post-election controversies had been fully litigated, there are many “casualties” from January 6, 2021 who are likely counting the minutes until their legal burden is lifted.
According to Julie Kelly at Substack, the Joe Biden department of in-justice is still pursuing arrests, prosecutions and jail terms for those who took part in the protest-gone-bad nearly four years ago. It’s clear from recent events that Joe Biden’s justice minions intend to go down to the final hours hoping to exact some measure of revenge against people who gathered at the Capital to exercise their constitutional rights to assemble, petition the government and speak.
Not even the possibility/near certainty that Trump will pardon most if not all of the January 6 defendants has served as a deterrent for the U.S./DC authorities from wasting more precious resources chasing phantom charges against peaceful protesters. Only a fraction of those hunted down by the Biden Justice Department were accused of violence against the police that day.
In Biden-world, Lady Justice has no blindfold – she pursues only regime enemies. She’s also deaf by not listening to the voices of reason. And needless to say, she’s pretty dumb, too. According to Kelly, the DC U.S. Attorneys Office has a 100 percent conviction rate of J6ers, the district’s jury pool tainted by the political leanings of its residents.
Which just goes to prove that having Trump take over in a matter of weeks will mean the difference between freedom and true integrity versus continuing to live at the whims of vindictive and evil, ideologically driven political people. The time couldn’t pass quickly enough.